
Danny Price

November 2022

The price for Origin seems so out of step with the market it makes you wonder who is going to pay.

Energy customers will pay high price for Brookfields’s bid for Origin

There are good competition reasons why monopoly distribution networks should not be owned by companies that also generate electricity.

February 2022

Mike Cannon-Brookes becomes the transformer of power.

Why Cannon-Brookes shouldn’t control Australia’s energy future

It’s unsettling to have a billionaire amateur deciding national energy policy - especially when it means overturning the core principles of the National Electricity Market.

October 2021

Scott Morrison launching the government’s net zero emissions plan, “The Australian Way” on Tuesday.

Australia can reach net zero with tech, not taxes

Will reliance on technological change lead to the required emission reductions? This former believer in a carbon tax says yes.

January 2020

The energy challenge is to achieve zero-net emissions and greater reliability at lowest cost.

Let's auction the right to supply reliable power

A competitive tender system to generate dispatchable electricity would drive the investment needed to stabilise the grid, cut emissions, and drive down prices.

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