February 2018
- Opinion
- Opinion
The ABC's filing cabinet kowtow to ASIO and the government was gutless
After discovering leaked cabinet documents, the ABC published virtually none of them before handing them back to ASIO. What sort of journalism is that?
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December 2017
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Foreign interference laws go too far and crimp freedom of speech
It should be a fundamental democratic right for people to try to influence opinions about all sorts of topics.
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November 2017
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Democracy matters for tax reform, not just technocratic fixes
There are many different ways to increase the tax take while also improving productivity but land taxes and congestion charges aren't among them
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October 2017
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State rights can't be bullied away, especially in energy policy
The PM's attempted centralisation of political power is against Liberal principles and will probably be ineffective.
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September 2017
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PM walks with energy dinosaurs
It is strange that an innovation prime minister puts his faith in ageing technology when there is no need to.
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July 2017
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Dual citizenship law simply outdated and needs changing
The party whip system is a much bigger problem than outdated worries about foreign allegiance written into the constitution in the early 1900s
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What will the Energy Security Board achieve that three other regulators couldn't?
We already have too many energy regulators with a questionable records. It's totally unclear what the new Energy Security Board will achieve.
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Trump jnr: A fool, but not treasonous over silly Russia allegations
Democrats should examine the real reasons they they lost the presidency, not spend time on beaten up Russia allegations.
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2023 FIFA women's World Cup will be a better deal than the men's
If Australia ends up hosting the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup, at least the cost will be manageable.
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June 2017
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Building submarines in South Australia simply sinks taxpayer dollars
The myth that building submarines in Australia will drive economic growth has been well and truly debunked.
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May 2017
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How Australia's energy distributors successfully captured the regulators
Not enough state energy companies have been privatised and those that are have been granted monopolistic powers forcing consumers to pay for featherbedding
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Budget 2017: Morrison locks in reliance on age pension, not superannuation
The biggest welfare spending in the budget was on the pension, which shows no sign of ever being displaced by superannuation
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April 2017
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Paul Howes has produced another good reason to scrap compulsory super
Paul Howes is right: ending super compulsion for low-paid workers could be life-changing.
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March 2017
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Keeping lights on can't be guaranteed
Governments can't guarantee there will be no blackouts, the best they can do is facilitate the lowest-cost most reliable options
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February 2017
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The rules-based international security order that isn't
Too often the rules-based international order was shorthand for letting the US pursue its interests militarily.
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October 2016
ASIO's powers increase, but at least in a worthwhile direction
Now ASIO and the federal police often swing into action when a leak occurs without being asked.
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September 2016
- Opinion
- Defence
Cutting the deficit while boosting defence capability throguh new technology
The government can find a new approach to budget savings throguh defence procurement.
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- Opinion
- Superannuation
Taking the inefficient compulsion out of Australian superannuation
Making super compulsory inflates the funds management sector at the expense of more efficient industries and current consumption
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August 2016
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- Opinion
Time to put the Australian Federal Police back in its box
The NBN-related raids on Parliament show that the federal police have been given too much cash and power
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Australia's new and misplaced foreign investment nervousness
Australia has become anything but outward-looking when it comes to foreign investment
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