November 2024
Tweak lending rules to tilt the scales for first home buyers
Reforms to prudential regulation will be a solution for many Millennials and Gen Zs missing out on the Australian dream.
October 2024
How we could free up 50,000 new home mortgages
The government looks at flawed schemes to boost housing demand without thinking of how to increase the supply of mortgages.
February 2024
Why it’s time for a new financial systems inquiry
It is obvious that the twin-peaks model of financial regulation has had its day. A recalibration is needed.
November 2022
Crypto exchanges have no future in a libertarian nirvana
Labor has dropped the ball on regulation that would turn Australia into a global hub for new financial technologies while protecting the interests of consumers and the financial system.
September 2022
Why stage three tax cuts should be here to stay
If Labor gives into the Greens and teals, this broken election promise will go down as a Kevin Rudd-style ‘economic conservative’ moment.
December 2021
How the lonely crypto crusade was won
Making sure Australia’s regulation was on the global pace of financial innovation was never about any particular coin, such as bitcoin, but about seizing the economic benefits of the technology for Australians.
July 2021
After tax cut U-turn, who is in charge of Labor’s growth agenda?
After taking 5 positions on taxes, there are big questions about the shadow treasurer’s control of economic policy.
June 2021
Big super’s propaganda payments must stop
The tough “best financial interests” test passed in the Your Super reforms must now be enforced by APRA to end industry superannuation funds wasting members’ money on political-style spending.
May 2021
Cryptocurrency policy must catch up
Bitcoin and other digital assets’ innovation is real and ubiquitous. To stay on the pace, Australia needs a proper regulatory framework to protect consumers and prevent pernicious use.
February 2021
How we can be a less taxing choice for Asia’s finance brains
There are concrete proposals to shake off Australia’s image as too expensive and complex to deal with.
September 2020
Fintech competition is key to a better finance sector
Five big issues hold up the expansion of Australia's fintech sector and the jobs of the future that it offers.