
Philip Edwin McIntosh sentenced to more than six years in prison for sexually abusing teenage girl in state care

For the second time in three months, an adult has been jailed for sex abuse of a pregnant girl in state care. This victim, 13, was allowed to move in with her abuser.

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A man has been jailed for more than six years for sexually abusing a pregnant teenage girl in state care.

Questions remain about why the victim, who was aged 13 or 14, was allowed to move in with a 20-year-old with whom she was having a sexual relationship.

On Wednesday, District Court Judge Sophie David jailed Philip Edwin McIntosh for six years, three months and 18 days for maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child and breaching a direction not to communicate with his victim.

Judge David said the 21-year-old had met his victim in mid-to-late 2019 when the victim was pregnant to another man and was “residing in a placement with the Department of Child Protection”.

The relationship begun text messages which soon became flirtatious.

At some point they moved in together and began a sexual relationship over the course of two months.

McIntosh was arrested on February 16 this year and released on bail five days later.

He denied having a sexual relationship with the victim but immediately resumed contact with his victim upon his release.

McIntosh was arrested again on March 13, the same day he attended the victim’s house again, and has remained in custody since then.

The victim gave birth to a boy.

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On June 3, McIntosh was convicted of numerous counts of communicating with the victim when he had been directed by the courts and police not to talk to her.

The court heard that McIntosh has an intellectual disability and had “compromised mental health” at the time of the offending.

“As to sentence, your offending is undoubtedly serious,” Judge David said.

“You engaged in a sexual relationship with a vulnerable, pregnant child who was in state care.”

She said the victim had been uncomfortable with the relationship and had wanted to leave.

“Your offending has had a very poor impact upon her,” Judge David said.

McIntosh pleaded guilty to both charges and had his total sentence reduced by 30 per cent.

Judge David imposed a non-parole period of three years and six months.

McIntosh will be eligible for parole in late 2023.

Less than three months ago, 35-year-old Matthew James McIntyre was jailed for almost two years for abusing and impregnating a 13-year-old girl in state care.

That case prompted calls for an inquiry into how the incident was handled.

A State Government spokeswoman said the case was concerning but the victim was being supported.

“Any abuse of a child or young person is unacceptable and anyone found guilty should rightly face the full force of the law,” she said

“There is a young girl at the heart of this and we must not victimise her. The safety and wellbeing of children and young people in care remains our number one priority.”

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