

Salt Creek backpacker kidnapper Roman Heinze sues estranged daughter for $65,000 claiming defamation, loss of his tools

The man who kidnapped and tried to rape foreign backpackers says his good character has been ruined by his daughter – and wants a court to “gag” her from speaking.

Daughter of Salt Creek monster Roman Heinze speaks out

The Salt Creek backpacker kidnapper is suing his estranged daughter for $65,000, accusing her of defaming his good character and losing, damaging or selling his prized tools.

The Sunday Mail can reveal Roman Heinze filed two lawsuits against his daughter, Kendehl, just weeks after prison authorities banned him from sending abusive letters to her.

Heinze’s two handwritten claims, each of which runs for more than 20 pages, echo his letters by attacking Kendehl’s character, intelligence, honesty and mental health.

He insists she defamed him by breaking her long silence, in November last year, over the effect his crimes had upon her and her family.

Heinze also asks the court to “put a future gag order” on Kendehl to prevent her further discussing him or working on her book about the Salt Creek case.

Kendehl’s lawyer, Andrew Carpenter, told the Sunday Mail the lawsuits were without merit and he would seek to have both thrown out – with Heinze ordered to pay all legal costs.

Salt Creek backpacker kidnapper Roman Heinze.
Salt Creek backpacker kidnapper Roman Heinze.
Heinze’s daughter, Kendehl, with one of his art pieces which is signed “the Salt Creek Monsta”. Picture: Ben Clark
Heinze’s daughter, Kendehl, with one of his art pieces which is signed “the Salt Creek Monsta”. Picture: Ben Clark

“A key issue (for Heinze) will be satisfying the court that a person who has been found guilty of indecent assault, aggravated kidnapping and endangering life, and whose crimes have been reported around the world, maintains a good reputation in society,” he said.

“Another (issue) will be satisfying a court that a person whose conduct was described, by the Supreme Court, as not being that of a ‘civilised human being but an enraged and somewhat primitive man lacking any moral compass whatsoever’ maintains a good reputation.

“Another (issue) will be satisfying a court that a person who, in the words of sentencing judge Justice Trish Kelly, ‘has no prospect of rehabilitation’, maintains a good reputation.

“We will ask that the court dismiss this action.”

Heinze’s arrest at Salt Creek in February 2016.
Heinze’s arrest at Salt Creek in February 2016.

Heinze, 68, is preparing to challenge his conviction and 17-year prison term for abducting and assaulting two foreign backpackers at the remote beach in February 2016.

He is funding that High Court bid with $100,000 of his late father’s estate, obtained by threatening to sue his children over their inheritance.

In the first of his documents, filed with the Adelaide Magistrates Court, Heinze asks Kendehl be ordered to pay him $35,000 for “loss and damage and sale of tools”.

He alleges she “agreed to store” a long list of items, ranging from chisels to saws to an industrial welder, but instead sold or disposed of them at “garage sales”.

“I would also like all my artwork, 80 to 100 drawings, also my oil paintings (and) limited edition prints by famous artists … worth $6000 to $8000,” he says.

“Also $1800 (worth of) jewellery and a white pointer tooth which had a capping of 18-carat gold.”

The Salt Creek backpackers trial

Heinze claims to have “three independent witnesses” to support his “undeniable facts”, saying “I can’t and won’t let her get away with her constant behaviour”.

“I have been trying to regain possession of my property since late 2019 when I discovered Kendehl’s sinister intent and use for my sole property to gain monetary gain,” he says.

“I ask the magistrate to order the return of all my items and any of my other personal belongings she has got from me solely to store and never to sell or use for books or media publishing or news.”

In his second lawsuit, Heinze claims Kendehl has defamed him through “unsolicited verbal slander, untruthful lies and accusations” and seeks $30,000 in damages.

Her public statements, he claims, were “damaging slander and lies which are unsubstantiated without proof and which she has none and can never produce any evidence thereof”.

Heinze’s signature on one of his artworks.
Heinze’s signature on one of his artworks.

Heinze further claims the Sunday Mail paid for Kendehl’s interview – which it did not – and complains about the publication of his artwork which he signed “the Salt Creek Monsta”.

He claims it was Kendehl, not him, who conceived of using the signature so his art would “be worth more”.

“Kendehl has previously been warned about use or misuse (of my art) without my prior consent which she definitely did not have from me verbally or in writing,” he says.

He also claims he did not send Kendehl any abusive letters from jail and has “caused deliberate trouble for me at Yatala” by saying otherwise.

He denies ever making “threats on her life or ever (saying) ‘you’re now my enemy’,” calling her “delusional”.

“This is the real Kendehl … which makes me sad … in (the) past I tried fixing it until she continually did something else to alienate everyone close to her,” he says.

“I never believed her as she’s a compulsive liar and a storyteller and a drama queen … she’s put this in the media to make me look bad and she’s an angel.

Kendehl and Heinze in happier times. Picture: Supplied
Kendehl and Heinze in happier times. Picture: Supplied
Heinze wants Kendehl banned, by court order, from discussing the case or writing a book about her experiences. Picture: Supplied
Heinze wants Kendehl banned, by court order, from discussing the case or writing a book about her experiences. Picture: Supplied

“She didn’t tell the whole truth and her actions and behaviours and deceit and lies and manipulation (are) all to gain pity (and) all for a monetary gain.

“(I find) her claims childish, naive and immature.”

Finally, Heinze says he is unaware of Kendehl being sexually assaulted and coward-punched as result of her connection to him.

“Well, it’s all nothing to do with me or my predicament … she’s old enough to know what she’s doing or who she sees in her life,” he says.

“Don’t cry over spilt milk when it doesn’t go your way from bad choices you made … is this a sane, reasonable person?

“I request the court to put a future gag order for and on any of my notes and drawings belonging solely to me as the owner and to ban the use of them to any web, media, newspapers (and) for any books Kendehl may wish to write.”

Heinze’s claim has yet to be given a court hearing date.

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