
SA court jails child sex exploiter Mathew Campbell for minimum 17 months, victim says that sentence is ‘appallingly’ short

It’s taken more than two years to catch and prosecute this child exploitation offender, but he could be free in just 17 months – and his victim says that’s appalling.

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A health worker who sexually exploited children through hidden camera could be out of jail in just 17 months’ time – and one of his victims says the sentence is “absolutely appalling”.

On Friday, the District Court sentenced Mathew Campbell to two years, 10 months and seven days’ jail for producing 66 child exploitation videos in 2017 and 2018.

Due to his guilty plea and lack of prior offending, however, Campbell – who blames his ex-husband, Stewart Iain Berry, for his crimes – will be eligible for parole in April 2025.

Outside court, one of Campbell and Berry’s victims – known as “Damien” – said he felt the sentence was far too lenient.

Campbell, right, with his former husband and co-offender Stewart Iain Berry, left, on their wedding day. Picture: Supplied.
Campbell, right, with his former husband and co-offender Stewart Iain Berry, left, on their wedding day. Picture: Supplied.

“I think it should be a lot longer, consider the court case has lasted longer than his time in prison will … it’s appalling, to be honest – absolutely appalling,” he said.

“Someone like that doesn’t deserve to be on the streets … two years and nine months is nowhere near long enough.”

Damien’s mother, “Celeste”, agreed.

“I was gutted, totally gutted, it should have been so much longer,” she said.

“I think it’s absolutely disgusting, it should have been a hell of a lot longer … where’s the justice?”

Mathew Campbell outside court. Picture: Dean Martin
Mathew Campbell outside court. Picture: Dean Martin

Campbell, 40, pleaded guilty to two counts of producing child exploitation material.

He was arrested in March 2021 when SA’s elite Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team investigated Berry, who was then a Correctional Services manager.

Unlike Campbell, Berry was a member of HIV-positive pedophile Jadd William Brooker’s online child abuse syndicate.

Victim of Stewart Iain Berry and Matthew Campbell delivers scathing victim impact statement

Berry will face sentencing submissions next month for producing child exploitation material, sexually abusing a child and inciting or procuring a child to commit an indecent act.

Despite their different offending, Berry and Campbell both committed crimes against Damien, who last month “forever” hate the “gutless f***ing cowards” until “the day I die”.

In sentencing on Friday, Judge Jane Schammer said Campbell claimed he had no sexual interest in Damien and only made the videos to ensure Berry’s “affection”.

She said she accepted Campbell was the “passive” partner in a “toxic, co-dependent” relationship with Berry that amounted to “multi-layered domestic violence”.

However, she rejected that as a rationale for his crimes.

“Damien”, right, and his mother “Celeste”. Picture: Dean Martin
“Damien”, right, and his mother “Celeste”. Picture: Dean Martin

“I’m satisfied that you produced the materials and exploited the victims for reasons that included your own sexual gratification,” she said.

“You were consumed by the need to keep Berry’s affections and your obsession with Damien, but I do not accept you were simply Berry’s pawn.”

Judge Schammer said Campbell was remorseful but, until he accepted he was sexually interested in children, had only “guarded” prospects for rehabilitation.

Outside court, Damien said Campbell’s penalty left him with “not a lot of hope” for Berry’s sentencing.

“You lose a bit of faith in the system and how it works … if that’s all they’re giving Campbell, who’s to say Berry is going to get any more?” he said.

Read related topics:Child Sex Offenders

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