

Victim of Stewart Iain Berry and Matthew Campbell delivers scathing victim impact statement

They look like an ordinary couple, but the young man victimised by their sexual “obsession” told a court they are “gutless cowards” who ruined his life. Hear his powerful words.

Child sex abuse survivor speaks out on his abusers

All spouses argue – Mathew Campbell and Stewart Iain Berry fought over the 14-year-old boy with whom they were mutually sexually obsessed.

Over two years, the now-divorced couple groomed both the boy and his family so Campbell could indecently film him in their bathroom – and so Berry could sexually abuse him.

On Friday, Campbell listened from the District Court dock as his now-adult victim, known as ‘Damien’, said he would “forever” hate the duo “until the day I die” for destroying his childhood with their “sick fantasies”.

Berry did not – the former Correctional Services manager failed to attend court, leaving his lawyer to apologise and agree, with prosecutors and Judge Jane Schammer, that his client “should be here”.

Stewart Iain Berry outside court after an earlier hearing. He did not show up to Friday’s hearing. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Naomi Jellicoe
Stewart Iain Berry outside court after an earlier hearing. He did not show up to Friday’s hearing. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Naomi Jellicoe
Mathew Campbell leaves the District Court on Friday. A supporter tried to shield him from media with an umbrella. Picture: Dean Martin
Mathew Campbell leaves the District Court on Friday. A supporter tried to shield him from media with an umbrella. Picture: Dean Martin

“I will forever hate yourselves, until the day I die … your cowardly and selfish actions, just to get what you wanted, has turned me into a person I don’t recognise,” Damien said in his impact statement.

“You told my parents you’d take care of me but you’re both gutless f***ing cowards who put on a show and a fake persona to get your way and take advantage of me.

“I didn’t know better, I was just a kid – but that didn’t matter to you, all that mattered to you were your fantasies.

“I cannot stress this enough, I will personally hate you until the day I am dead.”

Berry, 39, pleaded guilty to producing child exploitation material, sexually abusing a child and inciting or procuring a child to commit an indecent act.

He is a member of an online pedophile syndicate, busted by SA’s elite Joint Anti Child Protection Team, led by Jadd William Brooker.

Correctional services officer Stewart Iain Berry, left, and his husband Mathew Campbell, right, on their wedding day. They are no longer together. Picture: Supplied.
Correctional services officer Stewart Iain Berry, left, and his husband Mathew Campbell, right, on their wedding day. They are no longer together. Picture: Supplied.

Campbell, 39, pleaded guilty to two counts of producing child exploitation material.

He was not a member of the syndicate, but his crimes were discovered at the same time JACET arrested his husband.

The duo claim they are at risk of suffering harm in prison, given Berry’s former occupation, and that authorities owe them protection and “a duty of care”.

In his statement on Friday, Damien said the “inhumane, disgraceful, selfish and cowardly” crimes perpetrated against him had left him “numb”.

“There are days I can’t bear the feeling of being in my own skin … I cannot sleep without trauma, flashbacks and nightmares,” he said.

‘Damien’ – who was a victim of Campbell and Berry’s – with his mum ‘Celeste’. Picture: Dean Martin
‘Damien’ – who was a victim of Campbell and Berry’s – with his mum ‘Celeste’. Picture: Dean Martin

In her statement, the victim’s mother, known as ‘Celeste’, denounced Campbell and Berry as “monsters” who repeatedly betrayed her son and her whole family.

“The day Stuart was arrested, I spoke to you, Mathew … you were convincing, saying you had no idea what was going on,” she said.

“I now know this was a big front and you’ve made me feel angry for believing you … I feel like I was manipulated … you both make me feel like I failed my children.”

Karen Ingleton, prosecuting, said Berry and Campbell’s offending differed in severity but arose from the same motivation.

“Both showed a pronounced interest (in the victim) and strong feelings for him that developed into an obsession,” she said.

Counsel for Campbell insisted her client’s obsession was “an addiction to sharing affection” with the boy and that he did not meet the psychiatric criteria for pedophilia.

She said Campbell, a former Indigenous health worker, nonetheless accepted the wrongfulness of his actions.

However, she said he offended out of a “desire to maintain” his “toxic” relationship with Berry, who was “more dominant” in the now-ended marriage.

Judge Schammer remanded Campbell on bail for sentencing in November – and ordered Berry attend court in December.

Read related topics:Child Sex Offenders

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