
Patrick Patmore, 33, charged with terrorist offences in addition to allegedly taking steps to make a bomb in national investigation

A man already facing charges over a homemade bomb has now been accused of multiple terrorism offences after a national probe into SA violent extremist groups.

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A Salisbury East man who has already faced court for allegedly having a homemade bomb has now been charged with multiple terrorism offences as part of an investigation into violent extremist groups.

Patrick Patmore’s home was one of 15 Adelaide properties raided in April, as part of an investigation into ideologically motivated violent extremism, led by South Australia’s Joint Counter Terrorism Team.

Patmore, 33, was found in possession of an explosive device and charged with three offences including taking steps to manufacture a bomb, having instructions on how to make bombs, and possessing and manufacturing prohibited weapons.

Following a review of information found on electronic devices seized from Patmore’s home, he was further charged with possessing extremist material and possession of information of terrorist acts on Thursday.

Patrick Patmore, accused of possessing and taking steps to manufacture an improvised explosive device, outside Elizabeth Magistrates Court on 26/5/21. Photo: Caleb Bond.
Patrick Patmore, accused of possessing and taking steps to manufacture an improvised explosive device, outside Elizabeth Magistrates Court on 26/5/21. Photo: Caleb Bond.

The fresh charges were part of an investigation led by the Australian Federal Police.

The maximum penalty is seven years prison.

At the time of the raids earlier this year, Thomas Sewell, the leader of neo-Nazi extremist group The National Socialist Network, reportedly stated the Adelaide arrest “won’t slow us down”.

AFP Assistant Commissioner for Counter Terrorism, Scott Lee, said the threat of terrorism in the country was enduring and becoming diverse and complex.

“We continue to place significant effort and resourcing into combating these threats and keeping our communities safe,” Assistant Commissioner Lee said.

SA Police Assistant Commissioner Noel Bamford praised the investigators involved in the investigation.

“The actions taken in this matter clearly demonstrate the ongoing co-ordinated and cooperative approach by all agencies involved in the joint approach to investigating these types of criminal activities,” he said.

Patmore will face court over the new charges in October.

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