It’s official – ‘Key workers’ can’t afford Adelaide anymore
Adelaide is now the second hardest housing market in Australia to buy into, with only one city doing it tougher.
Adelaide is now the second hardest housing market in Australia to buy into, with only one city doing it tougher.
New suburban parklands larger than those surrounding the city have been unveiled by Premier Peter Malinauskas. Find out where.
Find out the players who have the ear of the Opposition Leader as he tries to repair relations with key Liberal networks and draws upon his Italian heritage.
A top-level blueprint adopted by Premier Peter Malinauskas reveals the infrastructure needed to grow Adelaide’s population beyond two million.
Consumers are suffering because of an abject failure of political leadership on electricity stretching back decades, writes Paul Starick.
The Liberal’s are keeping the pressure on Labor calling for an end to the Premier’s “hydrogen fantasy”.
Whyalla should undeniably be saved but $2.4bn in government funds sets a disturbing precedent, writes Paul Starick. Have your say
Labor’s Whyalla hydrogen folly was threadbare from the start and was always Mali’s biggest gamble, writes Paul Starick.
Premier Peter Malinauskas has issued a direct reminder to directors of Whyalla steelworks owner GFG Alliance over unpaid debts.
British steel magnate Sanjeev Gupta is an enigma who has left South Australia with a series of grand promises and dashed dreams, writes Paul Starick.
A ministerial adviser and best mate of Liberal leader Vincent Tarzia will run as Labor’s candidate for the seat of Morialta at next year’s election.
Premier Peter Malinauskas wants a circuit breaker on Whyalla steelworks’ future and is delivering coded messages to Sanjeev Gupta, writes Paul Starick.
Opposition Leader Vincent Tarzia’s state election lead-up just got a whole lot busier – but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Two MPs have been elevated to shadow cabinet and several have been given new responsibilities after Vincent Tarzia’s first reshuffle. Find out who got what in the reshuffle.
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