
Kerry Parnell: Can a job be too boring? The French think so

Everyone has that one job that was so monotonous you can’t explain how you ever made it through the day. And now thanks to the French, there’s a word for it, writes Kerry Parnell.

Best Office Shenanigans. Credit – Various via Storyful

Can a job be too boring?

The French think so – they have ruled against “bore-out”, when a job is so mind-numbing it affects the worker’s mental health.

Parisian Frédéric Desnard recently took his former employers to a tribunal because his job was too boring, saying they relegated him to monotonous duties which made him “depressed, destroyed and ashamed.”

In the first case of its kind, the judge awarded 48-year-old Desnard $65,000 in compensation, setting a precedent.

“Bore-out” is said to affect up to a third of French workers. Mon Dieu.

I can’t help wondering post-lockdown whether Frederic might feel differently about his dull duties, which included configuring his CEO’s tablet and letting a plumber into his manager’s house.

For the millions of us forced to stay at home for months, with little or no work, that doesn’t sound so bad. After all, when someone declares, “At least this job’s never boring,” it’s usually code for the role is so stressful it’s shortly about to kill you.

Fatigue during tedious tasks … we’ve all been there. Picture: iStock
Fatigue during tedious tasks … we’ve all been there. Picture: iStock

My worst job was clipping ringbinders shut in a factory. I folded after one morning. My best was potting seedlings in a nursery; I much preferred having green thumbs to blistered ones.

Boring is not always so bad; you don’t have to think or worry, you can just zone out. But what is the world’s most boring job?

I rounded up some classics from friends and colleagues:

“I was hired to do audio typing at a university and was never given a single piece of work,” says Heather. “I lasted two weeks before they fired me for writing the word ‘bored’ in multiple languages on my screen saver.”

Lynley’s job description was to pull staples from files, Wendy’s role at a pharmaceutical company was to squash pills and time them, and Sarah “tested Homer Simpson soaps-on-a-rope.” Sounds interesting.

For reasons that are unclear, Emma “folded sheets of kitchen roll in half and put them in envelopes,” and Claire worked in legal publishing where she “had to manually remove the word ‘the’ from a huge document.”

Homer Simpson, taking a sneaky nap during a boring workday. Picture: FOX
Homer Simpson, taking a sneaky nap during a boring workday. Picture: FOX

Even the glamorous-sounding roles proved dud. Antonia “had a job in the ballgown department of London’s Harvey Nichols, where I was not permitted to sit down. No customers came in the entire time I worked there.”

Georgea takes it to another level as “PA to an eccentric individual” who one Saturday called her in to “sit in his office and bang a chime for three hours in the direction of the west as it was the most auspicious for fortune according to his Feng shui beliefs.”

Still, even gong-chiming is better than nothing. Many years ago, in a magazine company, I got moved to “special projects” – which back then was code for ‘promoting’ you into a cupboard. I had nothing to do except search for another job; which was probably their plan.

My friend Freya similarly had a receptionist role in an empty office, “to answer the phone in case it rang. It never rang.”

“Never be bored and you will never be boring,” said the wise Eleanor Roosevelt, who I think we can agree would have been a lockdown achiever.

“You must make yourself succeed every time. You must do the thing you think you cannot do,” she also said.

Right, I’m off to see if that clip-folder factory is still hiring.


Originally published as Kerry Parnell: Can a job be too boring? The French think so

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