

Adelaide Fringe 2020 review: Seven Siblings From The Future

This multiple choice, multidimensional experience is a fun way to get to know a date, friend or even family member that you thought you knew well.

Adelaide Fringe 2020 - Seven Siblings From The Future. Picture: Katie Edwards
Adelaide Fringe 2020 - Seven Siblings From The Future. Picture: Katie Edwards

Seven Siblings From The Future


Rating: ****


Until March 15

Take a free personality test with a modern twist at the University of South Australia's futuristic Museum of Discovery.

The exhibit targets high school students on their way to university, but also appeals to younger children and adults alike who love to get their hands on touchscreens.

Download the app for every person in the party, to avoid struggling with the printed "passport".

The multiple choice, multidimensional experience is a fun way to get to know a date, friend or even family member that you thought you knew well.

The "tasks" prompt you to question your values and consider what you might do in various scenarios.

It feels like being inside a computer game, working your way through each level.

And it's very entertaining, especially Mia's hairdressing salon with selfie moments galore.

The reward at the end: fresh perspective, a chance to reflect on your place in the world and the role you may play in society, now and in 2050.

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