
Two old Adelaide hospitals reopened for coronavirus surge as trading hours deregulated to allow 24-hour shopping on weekdays

Five more people have tested positive to COVID-19, bringing the state’s total to 42. It comes as decommissioned hospitals will be brought back into action to prepare for the expected surge of cases.

Coronavirus: Scott Morrison's new measures to curb the spread of COVID-19

Five new cases have been confirmed in SA, on top of the five yesterday, bringing the total to 42. Nineteen people are being cared for in hospital or at home.

A mother and baby who had the virus have just been discharged from Flinders.

In other developments today:

The Catholic Church cancelled all Easter mass services

The PM banned all travel to Australia for non-residents

The State Government deregulated shopping hours to allow for 24-hour supermarkets (see below)

Two hospitals were reopened in SA (see below)

The RBA cut rates to a historic .25 per cent

Five new virus cases in SA

The new cases are:

– Man in his 20s who had contact with a known case

– Woman in her 20s who travelled to the Gold Coast recently

– Man in his 40s who arrived from the Czech Republic

– Man in his 60s who arrived from the US

– Woman in her 60s who arrived from the US.

It’s been a “relatively mild” disease in SA so far, the state’s Chief Public Health officer Dr Nicola Spurrier said, but she warned the eastern states would see a peak in cases before SA.

There have been no recorded “community transmissions”, she said.

No one has been in intensive care in SA due to complications from coronavirus, she said.

Some of Thursday’s cases are likely to be treated at home.

Currently, eight people are being treated in the RAH for coronavirus and 11 patients are in a “home hospital program”.

Gyms will remain open, but Dr Spurrier warned SA our lives would change and everyone “had a part to play”.

She pleaded with people panic-buying to stop, saying it could hurt more vulnerable people.

Two hospitals reopened to deal with surge

An unused CBD hospital will be reopened for coronavirus cases as South Australia prepares for the impact of the pandemic.

The old Wakefield Hospital in the CBD will be set up, hopefully by next month, to care for “mildly acute” cases and provide 130 new beds.

And the old ECH College Grove facility at Walkerville will be recommissioned to take an overflow of non-coronavirus cases, bringing the total of new beds in SA’s health system to 188.

Wakefield Hospital joins other dedicated COVID-19 clinics at the RAH, Flinders and Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

“Wakefield Hospital will be dedicated to caring for mildly acute COVID-19 patients in a 130-bed facility,” Premier Steven Marshall said.

Health Minister Stephen Wade said it was planned for the RAH to treat adult COVID-19 patients, Flinders high-risk pregnant women, and WCH children.

“We will continue to engage with the private sector and all elements of the health sector to make sure South Australians impacted by the virus can receive the care they need in the most appropriate surroundings,” he said.

“We thank the new owners of the properties for their willingness to make the facilities available. We are all in this together.

The College Grove and Wakefield hospitals were both in use until just a few months ago, and Mr Wade said the facilities were suitable for patients and no structural works were required.

Both are expected to be operational by April 2020.

ECH CEO David Panter with Premier Steven Marshall and Health Minister Stephen Wade touring the ECH property that will reopen to take an overflow of cases as other Adelaide hospitals begin to take more virus cases. Picture: AAP / Kelly Barnes
ECH CEO David Panter with Premier Steven Marshall and Health Minister Stephen Wade touring the ECH property that will reopen to take an overflow of cases as other Adelaide hospitals begin to take more virus cases. Picture: AAP / Kelly Barnes
Wakefield Hospital in Adelaide’s CBD, where a new 130-bed coronavirus clinic will be set up.
Wakefield Hospital in Adelaide’s CBD, where a new 130-bed coronavirus clinic will be set up.

24-hour shopping allowed to hold off virus panic

Shops will be legally able to trade around the clock Monday to Friday under new emergency measures, as a wave of unprecedented bans transform South Australia amid the mounting coronavirus pandemic.

In a state-first designed to ensure all South Australians have access to adequate supplies, deregulated trading will last for 30 days from Saturday.

But unions have struck back, saying supermarkets are already closing early just to restock and finding it difficult to get new stock in the first place.

The announcement came after Prime Minister Scott Morrison labelled supermarket hoarding unpatriotic.

Multibillion-dollar bailouts are being finalised for the hospitality, tourism and education sectors – and five new virus cases emerged in SA, including a Flinders University student, 20.

The student has not been on campus for eight days, nor in contact with any staff or other students in that time.

Mr Morrison and Mr Marshall also told parents to keep children at school.

Under the new rules, SA shops will be able to trade 24 hours a day Monday to Friday, 12am to 9pm on Saturday, and 9am to 9pm on Sunday.

The exemption will begin on Saturday and finish on Sunday, April 19.

Treasurer Rob Lucas will on Thursday order the partial deregulation using special ministerial powers that has allowed suburban shopping centres to open on Boxing Day and later during November’s so-called Black Friday retail frenzy.

Mr Lucas told The Advertiser no shops would be forced to open, but he was confident the deregulation would be welcomed by traders.

“The Government has been horrified by some of the scenes we have seen in the last couple of weeks,” Mr Lucas said.

“We hope this will reduce some of that mayhem.”

Shoppers line up outside Kurralta Park Coles during the dedicated hour for the elderly and disabled. Picture: AAP / Mark Brake
Shoppers line up outside Kurralta Park Coles during the dedicated hour for the elderly and disabled. Picture: AAP / Mark Brake

Mr Marshall said the move was part of the Government’s strong plan to support the public in “very challenging times”.

“We will continue to do everything in our power to ensure not only is the community protected and jobs sustained, but that we get through this stronger and more resilient,” Mr Marshall said.

He said it would help maintain supply chains by allowing retailers to restock shelves and enable shops to consider designated time periods for customers – in similar ways that big chain and other independent supermarkets have already adopted for senior and disabled customers.

“This will give traders the opportunity to spread their customer load over a longer number of hours,” he said.

“We also anticipate this will help with jobs with more people needed to stock shelves.”

The State Government will also temporarily scrap rules that dictate when and where trucks can deliver and travel through suburban streets, to help with the supply chain.

“What we are seeing in our supermarkets and grocery stores is unprecedented,” Mr Marshall said.

“Businesses and employees are working around the clock to keep our shelves stocked with food, and this is a small but practical decision to make their lives easier in these challenging times.”

Local Government Minister Stephan Knoll said: “We have lifted planning restrictions around loading docks and opening hours to allow delivery of crucial supplies to supermarkets and grocery stores around the clock.”

However, SDA secretary Josh Peak, who represents supermarket workers, said it did not make sense because supermarkets were closing early in order to get stock replenished.

“Supermarket and supermarket supply chain workers are working around the clock to get

stock on the shelves and serve our communities,” he said.

“Longer trading won’t make this easier – it won’t put stock back on shelves any faster.

“All it will do is add pressure to an already stressed supermarket sector.”

“Retailers are currently reducing their hours – not extending them. This decision doesn’t

make sense and could potentially expose workers and the community to greater risk.”

Existing trading restrictions for Easter, including Good Friday, will remain in place. Supermarket giant Woolworths closed stores early nationwide on Wednesday night to restock shelves stripped bare by coronavirus panic.

Both Coles and Woolworths have restricted the first hour of trading to the elderly or people with a disability.

Mr Morrison, who bluntly warned Australians to “stop hoarding”, flagged potential new laws to prevent stockpiling goods if necessary.

It followed an eventful day, which saw the new national Cabinet order schools to stay open, a ban on indoor gatherings of more than 100 people, restrictions on aged-care home visits and advice to all citizens not to travel overseas.

In a historic first, official travel advice was lifted to the highest Level 4: Do not travel.

Large pubs, clubs, cinemas and restaurants will be forced to limit customers or close, as all “non-essential” indoor gatherings are restricted.

Chief medical officer Dr Brendan Murphy also advised on Wednesday: “No more handshakes, no more hugging – except in your family.”

For aged-care homes, family members, close friends and supports staff will still be able to visit residents, but it will be restricted to two people at a time per day and only short visits inside residents’ rooms rather than communal areas.

South Australian Independent Retailers hit back at the Government’s decision to allow supermarkets to throw open their doors 24 hours a day on weekdays, describing the move as “absurdity of epic proportions”.

The association’s chief executive officer Colin Shearing told ABC Radio Adelaide Wednesday morning the move was bad news for stores.

“This is not a good move – This is absurdity of epic proportions,” he said.

“I was in a meeting with the Premier yesterday and this was not even mentioned at that meeting, not even hinted at that meeting,” he said.

“We have not been consulted about this.

“And this is a time when we need to be supporting and backing our local independents because we have got great independents in this state and to say that we’re going open up hours and say it will all be all right – it won’t be all right because the demand from the customers will not cease at this stage.”

Mr Shearing said shops were needing to close earlier to restock stripped shelves and extending opening hours would compound the problem.

“Two days ago industry, particularly Woolies, made a statement, they want to close their doors early, at 8 o’clock,” he said.

“We don’t need more (shopping) hours. We need more hours to fill our stores.

“We do not need this and it will not work and it will exacerbate and it will just compound the whole issue what we’ve got out there at the moment.”

Mr Marshall responded to Mr Shearing’s statement.

“I’ve known Colin’s position for a long period of time but we’re in extraordinary times at the moment – we can’t just sit idly by,” he said.

Mr Marshall said he believed the Government had consulted adequately on the move.

When asked if South Australia would follow NSW’s lead in having police officers in supermarkets to quell aggressive behaviour, Mr Marshall said: “We’ll take all measures that are required but again, on this, we’ll take the advice of SAPOL.”

In other developments:

WORLDWIDE cases of coronavirus topped 200,000, according to Johns Hopkins University.

DEATHS from COVID-19 in Europe now exceed those in Asia – 3421 and 3384 respectively, according to AFP.

THE Reserve Bank considered a historic out-of-cycle rate cut.

INTEREST-FREE loans or “emergency capital” payments could be introduced for virus-hit businesses to help keep them afloat and people employed, under government plans.

AN ELDERLY Sydney man has died after testing positive for the coronavirus, bringing Australia’s death toll to six.

A PROPOSAL to replace cancelled Anzac Day services with a massive nationwide “light salute” from the safety of Australians’ driveways gained traction.

PETROL plunged to below a $1 a litre in some areas.

THE Aquatic Centre, city libraries and community centres across the CBD and North Adelaide will shut their doors as Town Hall events were cancelled.

INTERNATIONAL student nurses will be able to work, bolstering the health care force by 20,000.

A NEW list of no-go zones were being drawn up.

DOMESTIC travel was deemed low risk.

AUTHORITIES condemned as nonsense talk of a city shutdown.

THE NBN will get a 40 per cent boost from Monday.

GYMS, indoor fitness centres and swimming pools were exempt from bans if requirements such as social distancing, hand hygiene, and regular cleaning were met.

MR Morrison will phone into a virtual G20 Leaders summit hosted by Saudi Arabia next week.

A GROUP of Royal Adelaide Hospital anaesthetists were in self-isolation.

FUNERALS started live streaming services

– With Chris Russell, Cameron England and Elizabeth Henson

‘Worried well’ told to avoid clinics

Hundreds of “worried well” patients are flocking to dedicated coronavirus clinics despite failing specific medical criteria, official figures show, prompting the Premier to yesterday warn “panicked” people against unnecessary visits.

SA Health figures obtained by The Advertiser show of 2593 visits to the four Adelaide COVID-19 clinics over the past fortnight, doctors turned away 1617 patients – or 38 per cent of total cases.

Officials said tests were not given because people may have had virus symptoms, especially a fever or cough, but did not fit criteria such as overseas travel or contact with a positive case.

Premier Steven Marshall said the unprecedented clinic demand posed a “very important issue”. “There are too many ‘worried well’ people going along and really using very finite services that we have,” he said. “But this is not an opportunity for somebody that says ‘Look I have just got a ticklish throat, I am going to go down and have myself tested’.

“We need to preserve, and reserve, all of these testing kits for the people, who are in the most vulnerable cohort.

“I am going to be very, very strict about this. This is not an opportunity for people who are panicked by this to go down and be tested. They can self isolate if they want to.

“And if their situation moves into a cohort that requires a test, they will be given that test. But we are not going to start having loads and hordes of people lining up for an unnecessary test.”

His comments came after The Advertiser told of “overwhelming” scenes at the major metropolitan clinics – the Royal Adelaide, Lyell McEwin and Women’s and Children’s Hospital as well as the Flinders Medical Centre – with security guards used in certain spots.

SA Health figures show wait times vary from 20 minutes to up to three hours. More clinics are planned for Adelaide and various country areas.

The mounting demand has forced changes at the world leading Repat drive-through clinic amid claims the backlog was more than a week long.

Booking systems, which require a GP referral, have been changed from 20 minute-long appointments to five minute blocks. This has slashed wait times to an average three days.

SA’s deputy chief medical officer, Dr Mike Cusack, urged patients failing the criteria to visit their GP as any respiratory tests will include coronavirus. He said there was no community spread evidence.

– Andrew Hough

Keep kids in school: PM

The State Government says it will contact parents who are keeping their children out of school as the Prime Minister and Premier joined forces in pleading with parents to “keep our heads”.

But many families are ignoring official advice with absentee levels soaring as high as a third of students.

“We all love our kids, there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for them,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.

“But, as a father, I’m telling you I’m happy for my kids to go to school.

“There’s only one reason your kids shouldn’t be going to school, and that is if they are unwell.”

He said the disruption caused by closing schools would be severe. “Tens of thousands of jobs could be lost, if not more. This would include 40 per cent of health workers being impacted. That would put people’s lives at risk,” Mr Morrison said. “So let’s keep our heads as parents, let’s do the right thing by the county and each other. There is a national public interest here in keeping schools open.”

Premier Steven Marshall said it was “absolutely ridiculous” to suggest schools close two weeks early, extending holidays.

“There is no logic in taking kids out for two or three weeks,” Mr Marshall said.

“Parents are really making a conscious decision that they are not at school for the next six months.”

Premier Steven Marshall provides an update on COVID-19 on Wednesday. Picture: AAP / Kelly Barnes
Premier Steven Marshall provides an update on COVID-19 on Wednesday. Picture: AAP / Kelly Barnes

He said the next step would be the Government contacting parents. “We will certainly be looking at children that are not attending school and contacting their parents about what they are doing about homeschooling,” he said.

SA Primary Principals Association SA president Angela Falkenberg said schools were experiencing absentee rates up to 32 per cent. Catholic Education SA assistant director Bruno Vieceli estimated an absenteeism increase of about 15 per cent.

Messaging service MGM Wireless, which works with one in every five SA schools, said texts sent to parents asking why a child was absent nearly doubled across Monday and Tuesday to a total of 9600.

It said that was the “tip of the iceberg” for absenteeism, as it did not include all the parents who notified schools they were keeping children at home due to coronavirus. Wilderness School will extend the holidays by closing three and a half days early.

It also has asked families to collect boarders by the end of next week, with all students working remotely for the final week of term. Walford will next week ensure all 50 boarders go home safely. After that, all learning for both day and boarding students will be remote. From Monday, Adelaide University will run all lectures online only, in line with Flinders and UniSA.

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