
Liberals bring in private investigator to run Sam Duluk harassment inquiry

A seasoned private investigator will probe allegations Liberal MP Sam Duluk harassed women while drunk at a parliamentary Christmas party.

SA Liberal MP faces independent probe over harassment allegation

Private investigator Paul Hocking will undertake an inquiry into allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Liberal MP Sam Duluk at a parliamentary Christmas party.

It is alleged Mr Duluk grabbed SA Best MP Connie Bonaros on the bottom and later sent her unwanted text messages.

He has apologised for his behaviour, which he has blamed on alcohol, and says he is seeking professional help over his alcohol use.

Sam Duluk gives his maiden speech in the Lower House in 2014.
Sam Duluk gives his maiden speech in the Lower House in 2014.

He has quit all committee positions, after earlier quitting a chairman’s post worth $33,000 a year as more claims went public, but remains the Member for Waite despite the Opposition demanding he resign from parliament.

Parliamentary Speaker Vincent Tarzia was overseeing an investigation but Labor demanded a independent inquiry because Mr Tarzia is a Liberal colleague of Mr Duluk.

Mr Tarzia on Friday released a statement saying: “On becoming aware of allegations concerning inappropriate conduct within the parliamentary precinct by Mr Duluk, the Member for Waite and after receiving further advice, I have engaged an independent investigator to inquire into the alleged behaviour of Mr Duluk.

“The individual undertaking the independent investigation is a licensed inquiry agent from the private sector who has considerable experience, including experience undertaking confidential investigations dealing with complaints made within the public sector.

“The scope of the independent investigator’s inquiries will be to endeavour to obtain full particulars as to what took place concerning the alleged conduct of Mr Duluk and to provide a report for the Speaker’s consideration.

“The inquiry will be of a confidential nature and is anticipated to be completed within 4 weeks.

“Given the independent investigation is now underway, I do not propose to provide any further comment at this time.”

The Advertiser understands the investigator is Paul Hocking, a senior agent from Quark & Associates who has 24 years’ experience as a licensed inquiry agent in South Australia, Northern Territory, West Australia and Queensland.

His company says he has conducting all facets of factual inquiries and surveillance, including Common Law claims, workplace injuries, workplace theft, disciplinary matters, toxic chemical claims, product liability for state, federal and corporate clients.

Mr Hocking was a senior detective with the Northern Territory Police and he established Quark Technologies Pty Ltd – now Quark & Associates Pty Ltd – in 1986.

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