
Sam Duluk apologises over ‘slapping SA Best MP Connie Bonaros on the bottom’

Sam Duluk, the Liberal MP at the centre of a harassment claim by fellow MP Connie Bonaros, has public apologised — and resigned from a powerful parliamentary committee.

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Liberal MP Sam Duluk has apologised to SABest’s Connie Bonaros for his actions at a Parliament House Christmas Party.

The Waite MP has also confirmed he would tender his resignation as head of a powerful parliamentary committee.

The Advertiser on Friday revealed Mr Duluk, pictured, was accused of slapping Ms Bonaros on the bottom and sending her unwanted text messages.

A spokesman for Ms Bonaros yesterday said she would continue to keep her legal options open. In a statement provided to the Sunday Mail, Mr Duluk said: “I wish to publicly apologise to Ms Bonaros and anyone else who was offended by my actions at a Parliament House Christmas party.

MP Sam Duluk giving his maiden speech in the Lower House Chamber
MP Sam Duluk giving his maiden speech in the Lower House Chamber

“I’m deeply sorry for any actions that have caused offence.

“I have apologised to Ms Bonaros. I have spoken to the Premier (Steven Marshall) and have advised him that out of respect for the Parliament, its staff and my colleagues, I will be tendering my resignation as presiding member of the economic and finance committee.”

Mr Marshall said yesterday the behaviour was “totally and utterly unacceptable”.

“Sam Duluk recognises this,” Mr Marshall said. “He deeply regrets the actions of late December, he’s apologised and now he’s paid the penalty.

“He completely and utterly accepts responsibility for his actions. He apologises unreservedly and now he’s paid the penalty. I think Sam Duluk is an excellent member for Waite. He’s made an extraordinary contribution to the South Australian Parliament since being elected. He had an error of judgment.”

Opposition government accountability spokesman Tom Koutsantonis said Mr Duluk’s apology raised many unanswered questions.

“Why did it take Sam Duluk nearly a month to publicly apologise?” he said.

“Why didn’t the Premier immediately make Sam Duluk’s conduct public? Why was the public apology made only after media reports?”

SA Equal Opportunity Commissioner Dr Niki Vincent said she could not comment on the current claims because they might lead to a complaint under the Equal Opportunity Act, which required an investigation by her office. However, Dr Vincent said there was no place for sexual harassment in the workplace.

Only last month, she warned employers to promote zero tolerance to sexual harassment in the lead-up to, and during, festive-season work functions.

“Promoting workplace culture that respects and values people regardless of their gender is very important and a basic right,” Ms Vincent said.

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