
Off the Record: Trying to unravel the mystery of who owns Adelaide United

Adelaide United is one of SA’s highest-profile sporting clubs but its ownership is mysterious. The intrigue took another twist when we contacted one of its directors. Meanwhile, giant novelty cheques and aspiring politicians are nothing new.

Minister defends Georgina Downer's photo stunt

In this week’s Off the Record an Adelaide United director hangs up on Off the Record as ownership questions swirl, aspiring MPs such as Georgina Downer have a long history of promising taxpayer funds to help election campaigns and the Liberals have chosen a South Australian to be the face of their federal election campaign

Hello? Hello? Anyone there?

IT’S one of the state’s highest profile sporting clubs but its ownership is mysterious. The intrigue about who owns Adelaide United took another twist when Off the Record tracked down one of the club’s directors, an obscure Brisbane property lawyer, who promptly hung up the phone rather than answer questions.

It all started last March when Adelaide United was sold byRob Gerard, Greg Griffin, Bruno Marveggioand Richard Noble for around $12 million to a consortium said to involve Dutch and Chinese investors. Their names were never released by the new chairman and frontman Piet van der Pol.

Adelaide United chairman Piet van der Pol. Picture: Dylan Coker
Adelaide United chairman Piet van der Pol. Picture: Dylan Coker

Last November, questions were sent to van der Pol asking about the club’s ownership structure. The club has never answered the questions.

What is known is United is 100 per cent owned by a company called Australian Football Opportunities. In turn, AFO, is owned by the Hong Kong-based Global Football Opportunities.

The founding member of GFO is Chinese-based, Dutch businessman Rob van Eck.

Van Eck has declined to take multiple phone calls or respond to numerous emails in recent weeks.

Van Eck resigned as a director of GFO just before the United purchase, replaced by van der Pol. Although, it appears van Eck still owns GFO.

Van Eck is managing director of a China-based joint venture between China’s ATR Industries and the Dutch-based Edco.

Edco founderJac Adriaansehas not responded to emails asking if he is involved with Adelaide.

United has two listed directors: Van der Pol and Brisbane lawyer Freeda Stevenson.

Piet van der Pol with Freeda Stevenson. Source: Twitter
Piet van der Pol with Freeda Stevenson. Source: Twitter

Stevenson refused to answer questions about her involvement with United. “My position in respect of that organisation is not something that I should feel obliged to discuss with you. I am going to hang up now, so you have a nice day.’’

Businessman Ian Smith is chair of Adelaide United’s advisory board and told Off the Record he knew who the club’s owners were and respected their decision to “remain private’’.

What’s old is new again 

IT’S amazing how a novelty cheque brandished by Georgina Downer has rival politicians writhing with angst about campaign tactics.

For years, candidates of all persuasions have been claiming credit — deserved or not — for rivers of gold they argue flowed from their fight for their community.

CHEQUE IT OUT: Georgina Downer — Liberal for Mayo giving a novelty cheque to the Yankalilla Bowling club. Picture: Georgina Downer — Liberal for Mayo/Facebook
CHEQUE IT OUT: Georgina Downer — Liberal for Mayo giving a novelty cheque to the Yankalilla Bowling club. Picture: Georgina Downer — Liberal for Mayo/Facebook

During last year’s state election campaign, ALP Badcoe candidate Jayne Stinson posted on social media two pictures of her brandishing novelty cheques, signed by her, for community groups in the seat. One was countersigned by the-then deputy premier John Rau, who appeared in that picture with Stinson.

MUSEUM PIECE: The-then ALP candidate for Badcoe Jayne Stinson presents novelty cheques with former deputy premier John Rau
MUSEUM PIECE: The-then ALP candidate for Badcoe Jayne Stinson presents novelty cheques with former deputy premier John Rau

This week, Labor health spokesman Chris Picton condemned the Liberals for — he said — telling Downer well in advance about $8.6 million funding for a new Mt Barker Hospital emergency department, so she could pretend to fight for it.

“I think it’s all about whether you’re misleading voters and treating them with respect or not,” Picton told ABC Radio.

No BIAS: Then-ALP candidate for Badcoe Jayne Stinson helps out the bowlers of Millswood.
No BIAS: Then-ALP candidate for Badcoe Jayne Stinson helps out the bowlers of Millswood.

But we remember one of the finest political inside jobs by former Labor deputy premier Kevin Foley, back in 1993, when he was a lowly candidate who also happened to be executive assistant to the-then ALP premier Lynn Arnold.

THE OLDEN DAYS: Former Treasurer Kevin Foley in 1994 standing next to the Semaphore Jetty
THE OLDEN DAYS: Former Treasurer Kevin Foley in 1994 standing next to the Semaphore Jetty

When the Semaphore jetty suffered severe storm damage, candidate Foley launched an ultimately successful community petition to the-then transport minister Barbara Wiese for government-funded repairs.

Having reported on events at the time, we suspect Foley — even then a canny operator — had more than a faint suspicion his hard work would be rewarded with a government handout.

Birmo hitting airwaves in top election campaign gig

FOR the past three federal elections, South Australian Senator Penny Wong has been Labor’s national campaign spokesperson.

It’s an important job, handed to trusted senior party operatives, who have a rapport with the press gallery and can be trusted to deploy the campaign lines, day after day after day, without stumbling.

With another federal election set for May, we can reveal another SA Senator will be a campaign spokesperson —Simon Birmingham, for the Liberals.

It is understood party leaders around the nation have been told of Birmo’s appointment, which is a significant feather in his cap. Birmingham, the Trade, Tourism and Investment Minister, declined to comment.

TALK TALK: Federal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Simon Birmingham will be the Liberals’ spokesman during the federal election campaign (AAP Image/James Elsby) N
TALK TALK: Federal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Simon Birmingham will be the Liberals’ spokesman during the federal election campaign (AAP Image/James Elsby) N

He will replace Finance MinisterMathias Cormann, who is also Leader of the Government in the Senate (Birmo is his deputy).

We had been hoping Birmo’s new gig would result in duelling campaign spokespeople hailing from SA but, sadly, Wong is not going to reprise the role.

Instead, Wong, the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate is expected to be deployed in key marginal seats, where her high profile will draw attention.

Labor insiders tell us Labor finance spokesmanJim Chalmers and former NSW premier, now Senator, Kristina Keneally are the hot tips for ALP campaign spokesperson.

No Joy in the air for councillors

FOLLOWING the controversial circumstances in which former Onkaparinga Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg won it, has the prestigious Joy Baluch award become the prize that nobody wants to win?

Well that is to be seen when the recipient of the LGA-run award honouring the former Mayor of Port Augusta, and one of the more colourful characters in SA local government politics, is announced over the next couple of months.

That person will not be from the Adelaide City Council, after its two potential nominees said thanks, but no thanks, to the offer to put their hat into the ring.

JOYLESS: Joy Baluch was Port Augusta mayor and President of the Local Government Association.
JOYLESS: Joy Baluch was Port Augusta mayor and President of the Local Government Association.

The first to decline was long-serving councillor Anne Moran, after she was nominated by new councillor Helen Donovan.

In rejecting the offer, Moran said she didn’t see the point in her vying for the prize.

“As I have called for the council to leave the LGA on many occasions I reckon my chances would be scarce to none,” she said.

Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor was then nominated but also respectfully declined, saying “maybe in a couple of years”.

Simeon Thomas-Wilson

Party Lines

GOOD FRIENDS: Newly elected Labor Member for Enfield Andrea Michaels thanked former Liberal leader Iain Evans during her first speech to parliament (AAP/Emma Brasier)
GOOD FRIENDS: Newly elected Labor Member for Enfield Andrea Michaels thanked former Liberal leader Iain Evans during her first speech to parliament (AAP/Emma Brasier)

IN these times of increasingly fierce partisanship, it’s lovely to see the hand of friendship reach across the aisle.

Newbie Labor MP Andrea Michaels gave her first speech this week and thanked former Liberal leader Iain Evans, as well as former Labor Senator Nick Bolkus and ABC board member Donny Walford for helping her “believe I could achieve success’’ when she started a new business.

All three were on the advisory board of her legal firm NDA Law.

Opera Ties

BASTION of the Adelaide establishmentPeter Michell, an early backer of Premier Steven Marshall’s political ambitions, has been appointed to the State Opera of South Australia board.

Michell’s term will be from March 7 until March, 2022. Board members are not paid.

Not that Michell would need the cash. He is a director at the family firm, Michell Wool, and was its managing director for a decade (2004-14), when both Marshall and his chief of staff, James Stevens, were executives there.

Sick Notes

IT was a jovial occasion when Health Minister Stephen Wade unveiled the final designs for the Modbury Hospital upgrade in January. He spruiked the benefits of the upgrade, including a four-bed high-dependency unit.

There’s only one hitch. The HDU was absent from the plans — spotted by eagle-eyed Labor MP Blair Boyer displayed at the unveiling, replaced by a high-observation unit favoured by clinicians. Whoops. Wade’s office told Off the Record the plans were dated or a typo, and guaranteed a HDU will be built.

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