
Off The Record: Labor MPs peeved Marshall government won’t postpone parliament for Port legend Russell Ebert’s funeral

In this week’s Off the Record, some Labor MPs have been left peeved off about arrangements for Port Legend Russell Ebert’s funeral. Find out why.

The Advertiser/7NEWS Adelaide update Tuesday, November 9, 2021

This week in Off The Record, the parliamentary diary clash that’s left some Labor MPs cheesed off with the Marshall Government, why next month’s Property Council lunch is set make waves and changes at the top of business advocacy firm Ai Group.

MPs frustrated by Ebert state funeral clash

There’s a little consternation among some parliamentarians about whether they will be able to attend the state funeral for Port Adelaide and South Australian legend Russell Ebert next week.

The problem is that the MPs have a diary clash. The memorial service for Ebert begins at Alberton Oval at 11am on Tuesday. At the same time, state MPs are expected to be in Parliament House to start what is likely to be the final sitting week of the year.

Former Port Adelaide great, Russell Ebert. Picture: Sarah Reed
Former Port Adelaide great, Russell Ebert. Picture: Sarah Reed

Premier Steven Marshall and Opposition leader Peter Malinsuaskas, both fervent Port fans, will be at the service with 7000 other mourners to remember the extraordinary contribution Ebert made to footy and SA.

However, it is unclear how many more MPs will be able to attend as the Government has knocked back Labor’s request to push the start of the sitting day back to 2pm. Under normal protocols, all MPs receive an invite to a state funeral.

A spokesman for the leader of government business Dan van Holst Pellekaan said MPs “can apply for a pair in the usual manner’’. A pair is an arrangement where if an MP is absent from the chamber and can’t vote, the opposing party “pairs” that MP with one of their MPs who also doesn’t vote.

Labor has a number of red-hot Port fans in its ranks including Stephen Mullighan, Tom Koutsantonis and Susan Close. Liberal deputy premier Vickie Chapman is also a Port tragic.

But given the tightness of numbers of the floor of the house given the defections, for various reasons, of former Liberals Dan Cregan, Fraser Ellis, Troy Bell and Sam Duluk, MPs will not want to take the risk of their absence causing a vote to be lost.

Flowers at the Russell Ebert statue at Adelaide Oval. Picture: Brenton Edwards
Flowers at the Russell Ebert statue at Adelaide Oval. Picture: Brenton Edwards

Vax with your entree?

It is one of the highlights of the Christmas party season but the annual Property Council lunch next month is making new waves.

In what is believed to be a state first, the movers, shakers and powerbrokers who attend this year’s luncheon on December 10 must be vaccinated.

More than 1000 guests will attend this year’s event, with emcees Jess Adamson, Mark Soderstrom and Ben Hook, to be held on the Adelaide Oval’s concourse.

Guests were this week told of the event’s new rules and Property Council SA executive director Daniel Gannon said 99.5 per cent of guests were willing to comply.

“We’re not asking or waiting for a government mandate. We’ve taken this decision as an industry leader,” Gannon said.

“Like our members, the Property Council has been shaping our own pathway to ‘living with Covid’ as the state reopens and reconnects.

“While vaccines have been a game-changer, the pandemic is certainly not over. The health and safety of our people and our members must remain our most important priority.”

Hosts Jessica Adamson and Mark Soderstrom.
Hosts Jessica Adamson and Mark Soderstrom.

He said organisers were giving people enough time to get their first and second jabs before the event and there had been a surge of interstate guests after the recent borders announcement.

Once the borders reopen on November 23, all Property Council in-person events, courses and conferences will become fully-vaccinated forums only.

The rules are in place until April next year but will be reviewed in the new year.

The stance has drawn praise by business leaders.

Committee for Adelaide chief executive officer Bruce Djité said he “strongly believed and agree with this requirement”.

“It is no surprise that the requirement to be vaccinated to attend events is being implemented, especially as borders open and the festive season rapidly approaches,” he said.

Business SA chief executive, Martin Haese, said his organisation did not “want to see any businesses unnecessarily impacted at a time when business confidence is holding strong”.

Loudest voice

Hard-hitting business advocacy outfit Ai Group has appointed Jodie van Deventer as its new South Australian head.

Former local boss Stephen Myatt has retired after a four-decade stint with Ai Group and its predecessors, and van Deventer comes to the role after heading up Committee for Adelaide as chief executive for almost five years.

More than two decades ago van Deventer was lucky enough to work at The Advertiser after working for the BBC in the UK and has also had roles with Australian Hotels Association and the SA Tourism Commission.

With elections coming up at both the state and federal levels and pandemic-related business issues never far from the front page, there is plenty of scope to weigh in. The more voices the better, we say.

Jodie van Deventer - Picture Mike Burton
Jodie van Deventer - Picture Mike Burton

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