
Wiggles send special video to one-year-old rescued from backyard drain

One of Australia’s most beloved musical groups has sent a special video to a toddler after she was stuck in a drain earlier this week.

Toddler receives special message from The Wiggles (7NEWS)

The little girl who was trapped in a backyard drain has received a special message from Australian music icons after her ordeal earlier this week.

One-year-old Nayvah was sent a personal message from The Wiggles after the group learnt the firefighters who rescued her sang Wiggles songs to keep her calm.

“I heard you had an accident earlier in the week but you were very, very brave,” red Wiggle Simon said in the video.

“I wanted to give a big shout out to the amazing firefighters who did such a fantastic job –and for their incredible taste in music.

“Well done, Nayvah. Keep on Wiggling and we’ll see you soon.”

In the past, Nayvah’s mother, Samantha Walkley, would have turned to her husband Bradley for support when their children needed help.

But six months after losing Mr Walkey in a shocking crash the 24-year-old instead had to call on friends and fire crews when her young daughter became stuck down at drain at Elizabeth East.

“She was playing out the back with the dog and I stepped inside for literally two seconds … and she was in the drain,” Ms Walkley told The Advertiser.

“Her shoe must’ve become stuck because we couldn’t pull her out.”

Ms Walkley was at a friend’s house and became panicked when she realised her daughter’s shoe had trapped her leg inside the open drain, and called 000 about 6.30pm on Monday.

Metropolitan Fire Service Station officer Andy Dunt said a team of four firefighters used a shovel, screwdriver and a crowbar to move pavers and dig about 1m deep to break a pipe and free the child’s foot from an S-bend.

Samantha Walkley with her daughter Nayvah, 1, at Andrews Farm. Picture: Matt Turner.
Samantha Walkley with her daughter Nayvah, 1, at Andrews Farm. Picture: Matt Turner.
Nayvah, 1, during the ordeal in her backyard drain. Picture: 9NEWS
Nayvah, 1, during the ordeal in her backyard drain. Picture: 9NEWS
This was the drain little Nayvah got stuck in while she was playing on Monday. Picture: MFS
This was the drain little Nayvah got stuck in while she was playing on Monday. Picture: MFS
The fireys dug down to about a metre to break the pipe and rescue her. Picture: MFS
The fireys dug down to about a metre to break the pipe and rescue her. Picture: MFS

He said the child remained mostly tear-free during the 20-minute operation.

“She was a really good kid,” he said. “One of the firefighters sung along to The Wiggles to help keep her calm.

“Her little leg was stuck down a drain in the rear yard where a grate was missing.”

Ms Walkley, of Andrews Farm, was calm shortly after help arrived.

“When the fireys arrived I felt like the stress kind of wore off, I felt a little bit at ease because I knew then that she was in safe hands,” she said.

“They were absolutely fantastic, they were so reassuring the minute they walked in and noticed I was a bit distressed – they were very comforting.

“They were mucking around with her and singing Wiggles songs.

“She didn’t even come out of the drain with a red mark; she was happy as Larry and she’s back to her old self.”

Ms Walkley’s husband Bradley died just weeks after the young couple married when he crashed a car into a tree on Kersbrook Rd in October.

Samantha with her late husband, Bradley Walkley. Picture: Facebook
Samantha with her late husband, Bradley Walkley. Picture: Facebook

He also left behind the couple’s other child, son Leo, now aged 4.

“This has brought a bit of a funny light to dark times,” Ms Walkley said.

“Obviously we lost Bradley then a couple of months after that Leo broke his arm, and normally the first person I would turn to would be Brad but he’s not here, so the support from my friends … has been phenomenal.” 

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