Daniel Wills: The second AEMO report on statewide blackout raises questions about why system wasn’t better prepared for the storm
AUSTRALIA’S energy market operator has delivered a second report into last month’s devastating statewide blackout, which raises new questions about what action was taken ahead of the storm.
- REPORT: Why wind farms lost power in huge blackout
- ANALYSIS: Blackout report raises questions about calm before storm
- PRELIMINARY REPORT: ‘Multiple faults’ led to blackout
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- ANALYSIS: Facts challenge Jay’s blackout spin
AUSTRALIA’S energy market operator has delivered a second report into last month’s devastating statewide blackout, which raises new questions about what action was taken ahead of the storm.
Political debate will continue around the role of renewables in the outage, including safety settings on wind farms which failed in the blackout as old-fashioned thermal generators kept pumping.
But today’s update also shows little was done by regulators ahead of the severe weather to brace for the danger it posed, and that they expected electricity towers that toppled to make it through.
The short explanation of what happened on the afternoon is a little clearer now than it was a fortnight ago. While rough weather was expected, the Australian Market Operator says there was not enough evidence at the time to expect that transmission lines or power plants would fail.
“AEMO’s assessment concluded that, based on forecast conditions for Wednesday 28 September 2016, there was insufficient justification for reclassification for the loss of multiple transmission lines or generating units. The forecast severe weather was assessed as increasing the risk to power system failure due to lightning, however, as there are no transmission lines in SA classified as ‘vulnerable’, this did not warrant a reclassification of transmission lines,” it states.
It also notes that wind speeds of up to 120kph were expected, but that “SA transmission assets are designed to withstand” a battering of that severity and keep operating through it.
To add further confusion, it adds: “AEMO notes there have been anecdotal references made to tornado weather conditions in reports relating to the SA events. It is not yet clear whether those conditions potentially contributed to the line faults or whether the transmission towers collapsed after the Black System.”
In a space of 88 seconds, five system faults led to six voltage disturbances. Five thermal generators operating survived the disruption, while 445 MW of wind power across nine farms failed. That led to huge demand on the interconnector to Victoria and its ultimate failure. Generators remaining online within SA couldn’t make up the difference, and a frequency collapse triggered the full blackout.
AEMO is now doing a deeper analysis of why wind farms failed but thermal generators did not.
It has dismissed concerns around the “intermittency” of wind farms, or the fact they only operate when the wind is blowing, and downplayed concerns about their operation in high winds. While there was a loss of 20MW of wind power due to high wind, a fraction of the total reduction.
However, it does say more needs to be understood about how robust wind farms are.
“Wind turbines are designed so that upon detecting a low voltage at their terminals, the normal steady-state control is suspended and a sequence of actions is performed, referred to as fault ‘ride-through’ mode,” the report states. “Voltage dips observed by SA wind turbines online at the time of the event was sufficient for ten of the thirteen wind farms online to activate their fault ride-through mode. Depending on the wind farm, this mode … was activated between three and six times.”
AEMO is now talking to the operators of wind farms in an attempt to understand “the impact on the power system of their existing and revised settings” around safety and disruption ride-through.
In contrast, it says: “Fault ride-through strategies for synchronous (thermal) machines are fundamentally different to those for wind turbines and non-synchronous power”.
“A synchronous machine responds to disturbances by virtue of its physical characteristics (size, mass, rotational inertia) and by the action of its automatic voltage regulator. This provides fault ride-through capability and network voltage support. Unlike most power electronic based devices, these generators do not necessarily switch into a distinct fault ride-through mode,” the report finds.
These findings will be enough for the ideologues on both sides of the debate to claim vindication.
Wind farm defenders will leap to the finding about intermittency not being an issue and their relative success in pushing through strong winds as proof of their innocence. Others will point to the contrast between their operation and that of the thermal plants as signs of inherent weaknesses.
But perhaps the most important question in a state that has rushed ahead of its peers and built relatively huge amounts of wind into its network is how they can be integrated in the future into a network that was built up in a time where dirty old coal was the main game in town.
A political battle about the merits of past decisions in SA, or those to be made by other states in the future, does little to help keep the lights on in SA during the next storm or hot summer.
AEMO’s report shows that some levers, which can be pulled to try and build in insurance against the risk of blackout due to energy mix or severe weather were left untouched as the storm approached.
“No additional constraints on the operation of the power system prior to the events,” it reports.
On the morning of the storm, AEMO considered a range of possible measures to safeguard the system including reducing the feed from the Victorian interconnector but took no action.
“The forecast severe weather was assessed as increasing the risk to power system failure due to lightning. However, as there are no transmission lines in SA classified as ‘vulnerable’, this did not warrant a reclassification to the loss of a transmission line due to lightning,” it reports.
“Conditions that could impact the Heywood Interconnector were assessed by AEMO, and the loss of the Heywood Interconnector due to the forecast weather was considered unlikely.
“Accordingly, AEMO placed no additional constraints on the operation of the power system.”
That assessment later proved incorrect, and the interconnector’s failure was the last straw.
So, for every detail that has become clearer today a dozen more questions have been raised. They include why transmission towers that were expected to survive did not, why wind turbines were set to turn off after so few shocks and if that could be done differently, why the market operators didn’t do more to secure the system before the storm and how that should change in the future.
All that’s crystal clear is that the entire state lost power, putting lives and investment at risk in an unacceptable series of events that SA can’t afford to repeat. That, and that the refusal of policy makers to overcome their ideology to fully absorb the big picture and take appropriate action only increases the danger that high prices and blackouts for households will continue.