
Auchenflower road rage video between pedestrian and BMW driver

A Brisbane man has recorded the shocking moment a driver ripped into him while breaking multiple road rules. SEE THE VIDEO

Get off the f***ng road': Brisbane man's bizarre road rage incident

A Brisbane man has recorded the shocking moment a driver in a BMW ripped into him while breaking multiple road rules after he walked along a pedestrian crossing.

The weird exchange has been posted to TikTok and has gone viral, gaining 10,000 likes from Brisbane Videographer David who was crossing the road in Auchenflower near the Wesley Hospital.

David told the Courier Mail it was so random.

“It was just so unexpected, you’re just crossing the road, the little man was green and you hear a car honk behind you and an engine rev,” he said.

“Someone else who was crossing the road with me was like “oh that guy just honked at us.” I look back and the black Beamer that turned the corner slowed down and I was just watching him like why did he honk at us? 

“He put his arm out the window and flips me the bird and in Aussie spirit as you do when someone gives you the bird you give it back to them.”

He thought that was the end of the altercation but then he saw the driver pull a U-turn.

That is when he started filming in case it escalated further and he was put in danger.

A Brisbane resident has captured the moment of a shocking road rage incident in Auchenflower. Picture: TikTok
A Brisbane resident has captured the moment of a shocking road rage incident in Auchenflower. Picture: TikTok

He said the man went into attack mode and started making comments about his hair.

“I’m just confused. You’re just crossing the road and then all of a sudden you’re being verbally attacked and abused on your appearance,” he said.

“It doesn’t even compute. How did it get to there? It was very surreal. I even watched the video back a few times because I didn’t believe it actually happened but it did.”

David said he thought for a few days about posting the video but in the end decided he should.

“This behaviour is not normal nor should it be accepted because if it wasn’t me that was abused, what if it was someone else, someone who also had a really bad day or was in a bad mental state,” he said.

“Like how much more that would’ve affected them so? So I sort of came from the perspective of I’ll post this in the hope that the right person sees this.”

In the video you can hear David saying, “it was green buddy.”

The driver said “Get off the f***ing road and get the phone out of your hand.”

“If you want to take a video let me take a video of you, you little c*** s***.”

In retaliation to David pulling out the phone, the driver starts pulling out his phone at a red light and claims to be recording, breaking multiple road rules.

He then proceeds to pull out his phone and record David.

“Yeah fantastic. This idiot walks across the road like a f***ing termite ... you are a f***ing idiot, mate,” he said.

But David didn’t sit back and listen to the driver.

“It was green, it was green, you idiot,” he yelled back.

“You gotta learn the road rules buddy.”

David continues to speak to the driver saying “Are you married?”

The driver claps back.

“Yeah well you gotta learn how to get your f***ing head out of your a** you f***ing c***sucker,” the driver yelled back.

A Brisbane resident has captured the moment of a shocking road rage incident in Auchenflower. Picture: TikTok
A Brisbane resident has captured the moment of a shocking road rage incident in Auchenflower. Picture: TikTok

“Do you ever shower, your f***** hair, it’s disgusting.”

The exchange ends and the driver while still holding his phone drives when the light turned green.

The video, which was posted two days ago, gained more than 10,000 likes with hundreds of commenters expressing their shock over the road rage incident.

“He is shaking so much lol,” one person commented.

“Did bro call you a termite? Wtf,” a second noticed.

“So many angry (people) around. Must be exhausted,” a third person said.

Many pointed out how the driver was using his phone while driving.

“3 demerit points for using your phone while driving,” one person wrote.

“Isn’t it illegal to use your phone while driving?” a second person pointed out.

Police confirmed they received a traffic complaint in relation to dangerous driving on Coronation Drive at Auchenflower in the past week.

Originally published as Auchenflower road rage video between pedestrian and BMW driver

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