
Why we want to build better humans

STEALTH is old stuff. Autonomous vehicles are passé. And when it comes to visions of the future, Blade Runner and Altered Carbon are … out of date.

Instead, many of the ideas to come out of the 100 research delegates attending the Defence Department’s Emerging Disruptive Technology Assessment Symposium (EDTAS) in Adelaide were much more ... personal.

We have the technology to rebuild us.

Strands of DNA turned into internal robots. Tailored genes enhancing our senses and physique. Modified bacteria living in our bodies to finetune our metabolisms.

These are just some of the biotechnological paths researchers the world-over are exploring.

Their motive is the never-ending quest to improve our health.

But the implications for Defence are enormous.

Art for DST human bioengineering EDTASS feature


Chief Defence Scientist of Australia Dr Alex Zelinsky told the gathering: “These are really phenomenal developments we’re on the cusp of harnessing”.

But, there’s a catch.

“One of the things we worry about in Defence is that, unfortunately, there are people who will take advances in science and technology and use them against humanity,” he said.

“Is it possible for state actors, or non-state actors, to develop novel biological agents and pose a real threat to human health? We’ve (already) seen the indiscriminate use of a chemical agent against innocent civilians.”

By drawing together scientists from such diverse fields as engineering, medicine, computer science, nanotechnology, genetic editing and biochemistry, Dr Zelinsky says the Australian Defence Force (ADF) hopes to predict where their research will ultimately lead. Their work will be disruptive, he says. The symposium was to speculate its likely impact over the next 20 years.

“What we’re seeking to do with such game-changing technologies is either to create strategic surprise, or prevent strategic surprise,” he said.

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At the heart of the symposium was the real prospect of enhanced humans.

Genetic engineering. Metabolic engineering. Physiological enhancement and augmentation.

Soon, the battlefield could be inside us.

The potential seems limitless. Adapting the bodies of soldiers cope better with extreme environments, temperature and chemical warfare is just the start.

Genetic and nanoscale technology has already emerged that could offer soldiers supercharged senses to monitor all activity around them in real-time. And, with all this extra data streaming in, enhanced awareness could be able to make sense of it all — fast.

“Potentially this allows us to increase the capability of military systems, but also to reduce the burden on human operators,” Dr Zelinsky says. “So this is totally a new frontier so we are very interested in how such technology can be delivered and where it’s going.”

Everything about us, from our senses, our muscles, our bones and our immune system, can potentially be enhanced by modern biotechnologies.
Everything about us, from our senses, our muscles, our bones and our immune system, can potentially be enhanced by modern biotechnologies.


We’re on the brink of monitoring our internal processes in real-time. Be it metabolic or neural activity, sensors are getting small enough and portable enough to take them outside the lab. In Defence terms, this means they can have real-time feedback about the health, performance and endurance of troops in the field. Issues such as heat stress, dehydration, nutrition and exertion can be tackled before they emerge. It also means soldiers with the genetic predisposition to do a particular task well can receive the training to exploit their full potential. As the movie GATTACA predicted, it will become increasingly easy to identify the potential for individuals to suffer — or excel — either mentally or physically.


Biological and chemical weapons are banned for a reason. They’re difficult to protect against. They’re hard to detect. But we know they’re being used by some countries. Now, they’re increasingly easy to make. The technology needed to sequence and edit genes is becoming almost common. In the wrong hands, tools such as CRISPR could be used to tailor bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms can be tailored to resist treatment. They could even be designed to target the genetics of specific individuals — or groups of people. Once loosed into the environment through our food or water distribution systems, or even mosquito populations, locating the source of the attack would be immensely difficult. The need for rapid-reaction genetic technology to detect and ‘reverse’ the effects of such attacks has never been greater.

Cell wars:

Our bodies are already a battlefield: the balance between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bugs plays a vital role in our physical and mental health. We know microbes live in our stomach (their weight is roughly that of our brain, making it the equivalent of another organ). But they also live everywhere else in us. And they’re part of a complex feedback loop: our bodies influence them, and they influence us — including our hearts and brains. All this presents opportunities — and vulnerabilities — to future soldiers. Soon we will have synthetic devices which mimic both the body’s own cells as well as symbiotic microbes. At another level, synthetic nanorobots could act like DNA, carrying the code necessary for targeted treatments — and enhancements. They could help our blood cells repair injuries and fight cancer. They could also ‘reinforce’ sensitive body parts to effects such as acceleration.

Body control:

Proteins. Lipids. Carbohydrates. These are some of the tools our bodies circulate through our blood to manage our everyday lives. So what if we could monitor or reshape these tools? Even control them? Our circulatory system is about so much more than carrying oxygen around the body. It’s also a highway for the immune system’s communications, command and control. And this has direct access to the brain. Once these messaging systems are decoded, we can monitor the real-time activity of our bodies — and intervene. We already use biosensors to watch our blood sugar levels. And in pregnancy tests. But these could soon be embedded in us, or applied to a simple tissue, to give us real-time feedback on what’s going on. They can also be engineered to trigger instant action against emerging disease — or biological attack. But the technology also could be used as a targeting system — carrying viruses or toxins to vulnerable organs and nervous systems.

Upgrading us:

The ability to introduce new genes or edit existing ones through emerging technologies could be used to enhance just about any part of our bodies. Eyes that see in the infra-red. Blood carrying boosted amounts of oxygen. Ears able to hear in ultra-high — or low — frequencies. Synthetic biological systems are also within sight. Implants could produce insulin. Or adrenaline. In fact, ultimately, any known function in the natural world — be it spinning silk or sensing magnetic fields — could be grafted into our bodies. Even Google is convinced nanobots will soon be active in our minds, manipulating our senses with direct access to the internet of things. Advances are being made on creating reliable machine-brain interfaces. And this opens up a whole new world of enhancements to our perception, as well as the way in which we understand and interpret the world around us.

Brain boosters:

Faster. Higher. Stronger. It’s the Olympic motto. But it’s now happening at an unnatural pace. Put simply, human brains are no longer up to the task. Our reaction times are too slow in this artificial-intelligence controlled, augmented reality world. The United States is already working on ways to boost the memory of its soldiers — and to blank out the bits that cause problems. But the potential of neural augmentations is expansive. Training manuals could soon be implanted. Important mental pathways can be identified and supercharged. Drug-boosted mind exercises could be developed to give troops greater control over their states of arousal and recovery rates. One such idea is to condition a soldier’s immune response to react as though it was receiving treatment — even before it had — after a gunshot wound.

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These are the kind of physical abilities that would make a normal person with a gun seem little more effective than a monkey holding a stick.

But with every military challenge answered at the symposium, fresh ethical questions were raised.

Are we prepared to modify our sons and daughters — and even ourselves — in such drastic ways?

If we don’t, will our opponents? Could terrorists obtain such tech commercially? And could we counter that?

Who owns the technology implanted in our bodies? Could it be reversed?

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Whatever the outcome, the Australian Defence Force is determined to understand this new wave of biotechnology.

“Human measurement will focus on those technologies which could significantly improve our ability to screen those seeking to join the Defence force, and to monitor the health of our war fighters before, during and after operations,” Dr Zelinsky said.

“Human modification is not a fundamentally new phenomenon. Drugs, therapies and prosthetics have served as mechanisms to augment the human body and its functions to treat various conditions or improve performance.”

What’s new is the scale at what modification can be achieved.

Science fiction has long been tackling the prospect of artificially-enchanced soldiers.
Science fiction has long been tackling the prospect of artificially-enchanced soldiers.

The Defence Science and Technology Group has at its fingertips is a $730 million Next Generation Technologies fund dedicated to identifying — and investing in — areas of promising research, and promoting cross-discipline co-operation.

It’s a tantalising bounty for Australia’s biotechnology research organisations. But what this means for the men and women of our defence forces is as yet unknown.

“We must explore human biotechnologies in the defence and national security context. Defence is not immune from changes,” Dr Zelinsky said. “We must adapt for us to remain at the leading edge. We must understand the environment we’ll be working in.”

When it comes to war, the last thing the Australian Defence Force wants is a fair fight.

Ideally, the prospect of any clash with our soldiers, sailors and airforce personnel would be so overmatched as to deter anyone from taking a swing.

But, as some research delegates at EDTAS pointed out, we also need to be wary we don’t become our enemy in the process of fighting it.

How far are we willing to go? Do the means justify the ends?

It’s a question raised by decades of science fiction books, television and movies:

Will we still be worth fighting for?

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