ScoMo’s got the strongest hand since Howard
Scott Morrison returns to Canberra in the strongest position any Liberal leader has enjoyed since John Howard left the scene in 2007.
Scott Morrison returns to Canberra in the strongest position any Liberal leader has enjoyed since John Howard left the scene in 2007.
Scott Morrison would correct anyone who referred to the “Morrison Government” – but now, after his crushing win, he’s ensured it will always be referred to as such, Christopher Pyne writes.
Bill Shorten’s lifelong dream of leading the country is in tatters. But how did he and Labor get it so wrong? The answer is simple, writes Susie O’Brien.
Grief, humiliation, and in short order, recrimination — it’s the feelings of the Labor Party on the Sunday after the horrors of the night before, writes Mark Kenny.
MALCOLM Turnbull has embarked on a perilously long unofficial election campaign. If master politician John Howard couldn’t exploit a long campaign, what hope does he have?
HAVING engineered an early election amid awe from the Mal-Contents, the polls are turning against Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, says Catherine McGregor.
THE ABCC stand-off has given Turnbull the impetus to detonate Australia’s cumbersome trade union movement.
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