PM’s move that ‘infuriated’ 7m Aussies
Scott Morrison travelled around the world to hang out at someone else’s party but shamelessly refuses to give everyday Aussies any idea of when they can do the same.
Scott Morrison travelled around the world to hang out at someone else’s party but shamelessly refuses to give everyday Aussies any idea of when they can do the same.
It’s the shock election outcome that no one saw coming. But it turns out the result is a good thing for Australia — and for Labor too.
Senior Liberals believe the timing of Mother’s Day won them last weekend’s unwinnable election, writes Peter Gleeson. Here’s how.
A simple tactic to win over voters may have given Scott Morrison a crucial advantage he needed to defeat Labor leader Bill Shorten.
MALCOLM Turnbull is an undeniably clever man but whether his skills are politically potent will be revealed over the next two months, writes Shaun Carney.
IT’S going to be a long eight weeks of ever-escalating and ever-expanding spin and counter-spin, so let’s get the facts right on what the two sides are promising to do to superannuation, writes Terry McCrann.
DENNIS ATKINS: As both prime ministerial candidates kick-start the campaign by wooing the Sunshine State, the question emerges of how many seats Labor can reasonably expect to win.
OPINION: Malcolm Turnbull has made a grand mistake — he has taken on the mummy mafia.
OPINION: Some people love the smell of election polls in the morning but it feels too early to get too excited.
THE first day of the 2016 federal election campaign was a study in contrasts as two rookie campaign leaders got down to electioneering, writes Ellen Whinnett.
MALCOLM Turnbull had to drive up Adelaide Avenue to get to Government House to get this election started. Apt, really — whoever wins will have to navigate SA politics. And Nick Xenophon.
LAST week’s Budget was meant to demonstrate, at last, that Malcolm Turnbull was different to Tony Abbott. But it contains the same $80 billion cut to schools and hospitals and the same cuts to working and middle class families.
THE opportunities have never been greater so the challenge for us is to take advantage of them and build the strong growth, and the great jobs of the 21st century for all Australians.
WHAT policies do the two main parties have on each public issue? Political Reporter Peter Jean presents their respective stances.
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