
50k sign petition to bring back mobile speed camera signs in NSW

More than 56,000 people have signed a petition calling on the NSW government to bring back speed camera warning signs.

Major changes coming to NSW road rules

More than 56,000 people have signed a petition calling on the NSW government to bring back mobile speed camera warning signs.

The petition to “bring back the warning signs and marked cars for Mobile Speed Cameras in NSW” was launched just two weeks ago by Alex D.

Alex argued the changes have not enhanced road safety, and are an “outright revenue raiser”.

The changes, which came into effect in November, included removing warning signs around mobile speed cameras, removing markings on vehicles fitted with cameras, and an increase in the amount of time spent on enforcing speed limits.

In December last year, monthly speeding fines rose to just under $2.5 million — up from just under $400,000 the previous year.

The NSW government said the changes have made roads safer, and will continue to save lives.

However individuals who signed the petition argue getting a fine a fortnight after speeding isn’t an effective deterrent.

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Some 56,000 people have signed a petition calling for signage to be brought back for speed cameras in NSW. Picture: Brendan Radke
Some 56,000 people have signed a petition calling for signage to be brought back for speed cameras in NSW. Picture: Brendan Radke

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“I’m starting this petition to get Mobile Speed Cameras in NSW to display the ‘Speed Camera Ahead’ sign and re apply the Hi-Vis stickers on their vehicles again,” Alex D’s petition reads.

“I strongly believe it’s an outright revenue raiser and is causing more issues than it’s preventing.

“Example, whilst driving on a local 50km built up street where 99% of the time focusing on the road and its surroundings. Now! We’re constantly looking for white wagons and suspect looking SUVs that may be a camera!

“I’ve personally noticed many cars slamming their brakes on at the sight of a white wagon minding its own business, almost causing a pile up!

“Not to mention the Mobile Cameras are parked 99% of the time illegally on council strips and footpaths!”

Supporters commenting on the petition said they didn’t believe removing the signage had enhanced road safety, and was a revenue raising tactic.

“It’s un Australian and how does receiving a fine 2 weeks later save lives?” Matt Johnson wrote on the petition.

“It’s not safety … its revenue,” said Chadd Lucas, who also signed the petition.

“This recent rule change is not targeted at driver and road safety it’s purely for revenue,” Nathan Robinson wrote.

Andrew Constance, NSW Transport Minister, has previously said the changes are intended to change culture and drivers’ behaviours.

“We want to make a difference,” Mr Constance said.

“We can’t keep doing what we’re doing, year in, year out, knowing the impact it has on families, loved ones, children and our community.”

Originally published as 50k sign petition to bring back mobile speed camera signs in NSW

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