
Port Augusta man Angus David McInnis pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse

A talented footballer was “predatory and forceful” when he sexually abused a 14-year-old, but others cruelly told her she must have given him mixed signals.

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A talented footballer “ruined the life” and abused the trust of a young teenage girl after he sexually abused her in a small country town.

Angus David McInnis, 21, left the victim blaming herself for his predatory actions, with some people even cruelly telling her she must have been giving him mixed signals.

A victim impact statement was read to the District Court on Wednesday by prosecutor Georgina Nicholson.

“My first reaction was blaming myself, I blamed myself for it every day,” the victim said.

“I trusted him and he didn’t do the right thing.”

The victim said she felt embarrassed, ashamed and alone because of McInnis’ offending.

Angus McInnis pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse. Picture: Facebook
Angus McInnis pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse. Picture: Facebook
When Angus McInnis was released on bail he posted a Snapchat proclaiming “I’m back b****es”. Picture: Supplied
When Angus McInnis was released on bail he posted a Snapchat proclaiming “I’m back b****es”. Picture: Supplied

“I don’t like wearing shorts or skirts anymore and don’t wear jeans as much because I remember him saying that’s part of why he did it,” she said.

The victim said some people at her school blamed her for what she had been wearing and telling her she must have been giving out “mixed signals”.

“I hope Angus realises that he’s ruined my life because of what he did,” she said.

The court heard McInnis was 19 when he sexually abused the 14-year-old victim in March 2021 at Port Pirie – after meeting her through a mutual friend.

Ms Nicholson said the victim wasn’t a willing participant, describing McInnis’ behaviour as predatory and at times forceful.

McInnis, of Port Augusta, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse.

Sally Burgess, for McInnis, told the court he excelled in sports from a young age.

The court heard McInnis played SAPSASA football and cricket and was part of the B-grade Spencer Gulf Football League premiership team in 2019.

Ms Burgess said McInnis had since gained insight into his behaviour and how to appropriately treat women.

“He is sorry for everything that he has caused and the difficulties he has created by … impulsive and misguided behaviour,” she said.

The court heard McInnis, who had worked at McDonalds and in traffic management,

was a father to a young daughter.

Ms Burgess said the media coverage of the case and the talk in their small country town had brought him and his family embarrassment and shame.

She asked the court to impose a lenient sentence, taking into account his immaturity and youth and the lengthy period he has already spent in custody.

Judge Michael Durrant will sentence McInnis in January.

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