
Kindy teacher Maryam Najimi blew over four times the legal limit after a 21st

A special needs kindy teacher blamed her small stature for a whopping alcohol reading, after rushing home from an open bar party to meet a curfew.

Selfish drink drivers

A special needs kindergarten teacher said her small size was the reason for blowing over four times the legal limit after drinking at a friend’s birthday.

Maryam Najimi, 22, was rushing to meet her curfew when she was met with a breathalyser from police.

The court heard that Najimi was breathalysed at North Adelaide on February 22, last year.

She returned a reading of 0.221 and was issued with a 12-month immediate loss of licence.

“When interviewed, she stated that she commenced drinking at the Caledonian Hotel in North Adelaide at a friend’s 21st birthday,” the police prosecutor said.

“She stated she drank only five gin and tonics … and that it was an open bar for the night.

“When questioned over her high reading, she stated the reason her reading could be so high is because she’s only small.”

Maryam Najimi blew over four times the legal limit after 21st birthday celebrations. Photo: Facebook
Maryam Najimi blew over four times the legal limit after 21st birthday celebrations. Photo: Facebook

Najimi, of Novar Gardens, pleaded guilty in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on Friday to drink driving.

Self represented, Najimi told the court that she had always been planning to drive home from the party.

“I did have a curfew at the time … I passed the curfew so that’s why I drove right away,” she said.

Najimi told the court being disqualified meant she had to take public transport to work and the car she was driving was her father’s which was impounded.

The court heard Najimi was working part time at an special needs kindergarten as a teacher.

Magistrate Michelle Sutcliffe told Najimi that she was in the highest category for drink driving and it was a very serious offence.

She fined Najimi $1100 and ordered a further one-day licence disqualification, taking into account that Najimi had already served the 12-months.

A conviction was recorded.

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