
Carer David Paul Dodd bashed partner with metal pole at Risdon Park South

A carer who should have been protecting a vulnerable woman instead called her a “retard” before striking her to the head with a metal pole in a ‘cowardly’ attack, a court has heard.

Proposal for paid domestic violence leave

A carer called his partner a “retard” before bashing her with a metal pole and kicking her in a “disgraceful” attack, a court has heard.

David Paul Dodd, 52, should have been protecting the vulnerable woman but instead he left her with stitches and a bruised lip.

The Adelaide District Court heard Dodd and the victim had been in a relationship for 11 years and he was the victim’s registered carer.

The court heard CCTV footage captured Dodd punching the victim to the mouth, causing her to bleed on June 18, 2021.

The next day the victim was in the lounge room drinking coffee.

“She says that you called her a ‘retard’ and she responded calling you a ‘woman basher’,” Judge Julie McIntyre said during sentencing.

Dodd left the room and returned with a metal pole.

“You raised the pole over your head and struck your victim to her head twice,” Judge McIntyre said.

Another man in the house took the pole away from Dodd but he also kicked the victim.

“Blood can be seen coming from your victim’s head wound. You did not render her any first aid or offer her any help,” Judge McIntyre said.

The court heard the victim suffered multiple injuries, including a 4cm wound on her head which required stitches and a bruised lip.

David Dodd was sentenced to home detention for the vicious assault on his partner. Photo: Facebook
David Dodd was sentenced to home detention for the vicious assault on his partner. Photo: Facebook

Dodd, of Risdon Park South, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault causing harm.

“Both assaults were disgraceful, cowardly attacks on a vulnerable woman,” Judge McIntyre said.

“Far too many people in our society are subjected to mental and physical abuse in the home.”

Judge McIntyre said she accepted Dodd was genuinely remorseful but the offending was serious.

“She (the victim) was entitled to feel safe, cared for and protected, instead, you treated her with violence and aggression for no apparent reason other than that there were some difficulties in your relationship at the time,” she said.

Judge McIntyre sentenced Dodd to three years and five months jail, with a non-parole period of one year and 10 months.

She ordered the sentence be served on home detention, with Dodd to also complete 100 hours of community service within 12 months.

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