Ever had the most earth-shattering, world-altering, mind-boggling sex of your life only to roll over to find your partner already passed out?
Same. And whether or not they meant to, it can leave you feeling quite crushed.
“I think we know that the common trope is that when men fall asleep after sex it can feel quite frustrating, isolating and disappointing for their partner to just have them turn away after what was hopefully a very close, intimate experience,” Selina Nguyen, a relationship therapist and sexologist at the Good Vibes Clinic, tells Body+Soul.
“It’s very common for partners, regardless of gender, that if a partner falls asleep to feel quite lonely and disheartened, even if it's unintentional.”
Well it turns out that men aren’t actually to blame. And as is the case with many of our body’s reactions, it comes down to a cocktail of neurotransmitters.