
Teacher’s ‘disgusting’ and ‘sexualising’ email to teen girls causes outrage

“Behold ladies, now we are minerals … what a day to be a woman!” one baffled person responds to the viral post.

Dress codes are a part of life. 

Whether it’s a school uniform or a standard guideline of appropriate clothing, there’s no denying why they are an important part of education and why they are implemented across schools worldwide. 

Not only do they encourage a professional atmosphere, but they can also prevent unnecessary distractions from learning. But when can they go too far? 

And when do young people (particularly women) become treated less like people and more like property?

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The letter was sent to the girls' choir. Source: Reddit
The letter was sent to the girls' choir. Source: Reddit

“Your body is sacred … class is better than trash!”

For most educational facilities, a uniform or dress code requires clothing to be reasonably modest, without inappropriate messages or slogans, and to avoid anything that could be a safety hazard for classes. 

But for one 14-year-old girl, her dress code requirements went to the next level, as she shared on Reddit

Attending a public school in Florida, her principal shared an announcement over the intercom to remind students of their dress code. 

This seemed reasonable enough, but then she was emailed with further instructions from her male choir teacher.

“I want to ask all our girls in choir to dress the way admin requests from now until the end of the school year,” the note began. “Everything valuable in this world is covered up and hard to see or find.” 

The letter then asks its choir members where they could find diamonds, pearls, and diamonds. “In the ground… deep in the ocean … covered and protected,” the letter said. 

“Your body is sacred and unique,” it continued. “If you keep your precious minerals like gold, diamonds and pearls deeply covered, a ‘reputable mining organisation’ will work for years to mine these precious goods.” 

The letter continued to explain that first, “they will contact your government (family)”, then they will “sign professional contacts (marriage)”. Finally, they will “professionally extract those goods” and “tenderly refine those precious goods (marital life).”

The email signed off by warning the girls in the choir about “exposing” their “minerals” to everyone, they will “attract many illegal miners to come”, who will “exploit, illegally, and freely take those riches”.

“Girls, you are valuable,” the letter ended. “Class is better than trash!”

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The letter has been branded 'disgusting' by people online. Source: iStock
The letter has been branded 'disgusting' by people online. Source: iStock

“The objectification is disgusting; the sexualisation is disgusting” 

Shared to the Reddit community, a wave of concern flooded the comments, asking if the choir teacher had the authority to speak to students in this manner and tell them how to dress. 

According to the girl who originally shared the email, this was “actually his response” after the principal reminded the to “follow the dress code over the intercom”. 

"This was in response to someone wearing a tank top," she added. 

Concerned people advised her to keep a copy of the letter and report it to her school.  

“I'm gonna show it to another teacher,” she responded before suggesting she might also show her parents. “But my teacher will be able to more easily reprimand him,” she said.

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Others pointed out how “disturbing” the letter was, especially as its target was young ladies. 

“Ahh yes, another day to be compared to commodities and goods,” one person said. “Behold ladies, now we are minerals; what a day to be a woman.”

“Holy sh*t, that is way out of line,” said a shocked Redditor. “The objectification is disgusting. The sexualization is disgusting.” 

The original poster agreed, reminding readers that the girls in the choir she attends are only “13 and 14” years old. 

Some pointed out how “stomach-churning” the language the teacher used was.

“I would be pulling my kid from choir at that school and refusing to allow that teacher anywhere near my kid,” said one shocked person.  But the girl explained that she loves being in the choir, and she would rather see the teacher removed. 

Originally published as Teacher’s ‘disgusting’ and ‘sexualising’ email to teen girls causes outrage

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