#AdviceNeeded: Can you comment on other people’s parenting?
Em and Leah answer your burning voice notes about annoying school WhatsApp groups.
Em and Leah answer your burning voice notes about annoying school WhatsApp groups.
It’s an unexpected debate that’s had parents all over the country up in arms. Where do you stand?
Today Em and Leah answer your burning questions about dealing with different parenting styles, being jealous of Exes, finding out your child is bullying someone and tattoos!
Mate, we are in the winter virus wars right now. Leah and Em discuss the latest bug that’s taking down school-aged kids across the country
One topic arises every time I attend an event with kids, and it leaves me filled with dread. Here’s why I don’t think I’m alone, writes Emily Olle.
“That is waging war for kids that will probably go to school together for years!”
“You got a bunch of parents up in arms over this…” Would you do this to your kids?
“I thought how long we knew each other as a couple was enough. I was so wrong.”
Jess was excited to see her mum’s potential mother-of-the-bride dress options for her big day, but was left feeling disappointed.
“She took it like a champ, respect to her … but that guy is something else!”
“I knew something was wrong when they were halfway through their tests and a whole bunch of doctors walked back in.”
“There was no compassion in the room. My baby had just been taken away, and no one was talking to me.”
Esmie has always dreamed of becoming a mum at a young age, but she sparked a fierce debate online after revealing why.
“If my daughter feels uncomfortable around someone, then I prioritise HER well-being over that of a stranger.”
Original URL: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/page/199