
‘I kicked my sister out after she made a cruel joke about my 10yo daughter’

“She said I was overreacting and I was putting ‘my child’ before ‘my family’.”

How to deal with bullying

From the moment Abbie* was born, her mother, Heather* knew she was the most incredible person in her entire world. 

Born with a condition that affects her speech and movement, Heather dedicated every waking moment to ensuring her daughter had the best possible future. 

The now-10-year-old has been given everything she could have possibly wanted and surrounded by family who wants nothing but the best for her - except for one person. 

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Heather was furious at her sister's comment towards 10yo Abbie. Picture: iStock
Heather was furious at her sister's comment towards 10yo Abbie. Picture: iStock

“At least I won't have to deal with her voice all the time”

While Heather’s family has been extremely helpful in raising Abbie, her sister has been far from supportive. 

According to Heather, who shared her story with Reddit, her 29-year-old sister has been “quite insensitive over the years” towards her daughter.

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Heather’s sister has been through it recently, recovering from a “rough divorce”, which left her without a place to live. 

Without anywhere to go, Heather’s sister “asked if she could move in with us for a few months to get back on her feet”. 

Heather wasn’t especially happy with this request but initially agreed to let her stay “because, despite her faults, she's my sister”.

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So Heather’s sister came to stay, and for a little while, everything seemed somewhat fine. 

That was until the last weekend when her sister “made a cruel joke about Abbie’s condition” at the family dinner table. 

“At least I won't have to deal with her voice all the time,” her sister joked. Naturally, Heather was “furious” but tried to keep her composure while her 10yo was still at the table. “I didn't want to blow up in front of Abbie, so I waited until after dinner,” she said. 

Later that evening, Heather approached her sister and told her exactly how she felt. “I confronted my sister and told her that her comment was hurtful and disgusting,” she recalled. 

Then, Heather told her sister it was the final straw, and she wasn’t accommodating the 29yo any longer. “She blew up at me, saying that I was overreacting,” Heather wrote. In her sister’s mind, Heather was “putting ‘my child’ before ‘my family’ and … she was "making light" of the situation”. 

No matter if the comment was “making light” of the situation, Heather wasn’t having a relative of hers speaking in such a way about her daughter., so she stuck to her guns and kicked the 29yo out. 

“Now my parents and some family members are saying I'm being too harsh, and she's having a hard time,” Heather said. However, she just can’t see herself forgiving someone who would make an awful comment like that about her daughter; if she said this, what else would she say? 

“I want to protect my daughter,” she said. 

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“Always put your kid first!”

People were horrified by the comments Heather’s sister made and completely agreed that kicking her out was the right move. 

“Always put your kid first!” a Redditor wrote. 

Your child should ALWAYS come first,” someone agreed. “She is your family. Your sister is a grown-ass adult and being a bully. And if your parents and other relatives are so concerned, they can host sister.”

“Anyone who imagines they are a bigger priority to me than my children is so delusional they no longer inhabit the same plane of reality,” a third wrote. 

If Heather were to let her sister stay, who knows what other comments could arise. 

“What's to say that even if the sister were allowed to stay in Heather’s home, her treatment of the daughter would improve?” someone wondered. 

“Making a ‘joke’ about Abbie’s condition, especially one so cruel, is not something to take lightly,” penned a second.

“Heather’s sister showed in spades [that] she has no care for her niece at all. To her, she's just some weirdo that needs to be ridiculed,” another agreed.

*Names have been changed

Originally published as ‘I kicked my sister out after she made a cruel joke about my 10yo daughter’

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