Black lives matter, but so do our elderly
Given the sad state of affairs, it’s no wonder people want to take to the streets and protest. But in doing so during a pandemic, we’re only putting more lives at risk, writes David Penberthy.
Given the sad state of affairs, it’s no wonder people want to take to the streets and protest. But in doing so during a pandemic, we’re only putting more lives at risk, writes David Penberthy.
Historically inaccurate generalisations, life being described as “the new normal”, and celebrities saying they’re with us. This is surely the worst of our COVID-19 experience, writes David Penberthy.
Sporting fanatics cheered at the news that footy was set to return to our lives. But without its most crucial element, the game means nothing, writes David Penberthy.
Through the NDIS, taxpayers were meant to help people like Ann Marie Smith live. But a flawed system, lack of oversight, and cumbersome bureaucracy conspired to let her down, writes David Penberthy.
We accepted lockdowns when we feared COVID-19 sweeping across the state but with all signs pointing to elimination leaders face a new situation now, writes David Penberthy.
While it’s tempting to simply hate chef Pete Evans and call it a day, the real issue should be asking how his kind of actual fake news has been allowed to thrive online for so long, writes David Penberthy.
Sections of the Victorian sports media and AFL love nothing more than taking potshots at Adelaide’s clubs. If only they realised there are other states just as dedicated (and less infected), writes David Penberthy.
You’d think being a member of government would make a person want to set a good example during a pandemic. Instead, all we’re getting is tinfoil hat conspiracies and panicked denialists, writes David Penberthy.
South Australia is on track to becoming known as the safest place in the world. And a reputation like that is very good for business, writes David Penberthy.
The way in which the Chinese Communist Party has responded to calls for an inquiry into COVID-19 says an awful lot about the political character of China as a nation, writes David Penberthy.
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