First homes from massive housing development hit the market
A huge housing plan in Adelaide’s west is moving ahead, as more than 100 hit the market – with some going ‘cheap’.
A huge housing plan in Adelaide’s west is moving ahead, as more than 100 hit the market – with some going ‘cheap’.
The owner of a much-loved Adelaide gluten-free bakery has made a heartbreaking announcement about the future of her business.
More than 300 homes will be built on huge vacant slot of land in Adelaide’s north, after the state government approved an important step for the development.
Western suburbs beachgoers have flocked around the bizarre sight as authorities work to remove the carcass. See the pictures and video.
Police attended a northern suburbs home after witnesses reported seeing a car leaving the scene of the fires.
Stunning images have been released for Adelaide’s city proposed largest multi-millionaire student accommodation – set to be the country’s best. See the artistic images.
A cult clothing store in Adelaide’s north has revealed it can’t keep running and will shut down for good within weeks.
Gunshots have peppered a home in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs overnight, which is believed to be the same home that was involved in a high-profile siege last year.
More than 2000 homes and businesses lost power across Adelaide after a surprise outage on Wednesday morning.
A long-serving former SA mayor has been remembered as a “true leader” who played a pivotal role in shaping the local community.
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