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Iron Man writer’s bold theory

Iron Man writer’s bold theory

DESPITE being one of the most popular superheroes, there is a surprising theory about what happens next for Iron Man. WARNING: Potential spoilers.

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Magic Mike 2 … need we say more?

Magic Mike 2 … need we say more?

CHANNING Tatum is getting to work on Magic Mike 2, the upcoming sequel to the hit movie in which he starred as a male stripper with a heart of gold.

Actor dons paper bag for red carpet

Actor dons paper bag for red carpet

A BIG name star has put a paper bag over his head while walking the red carpet at the Berlin Film Festival. Publicity stunt or a person in need of help?

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Should you see the new Mandela movie?

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Bieber bombs at the box office

Bieber bombs at the box office

RETIRED, arrested and bombing at the box office … can Justin Bieber’s year get any worse? But he’s not the only one copping a savaging from the critics.

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