
Comedian call to arms as the Rhino Room comedy venue faces closure

WITH the heart and soul of Adelaide comedy, The Rhino Room, up for sale and facing closure, funny man Justin Hamilton has come up with a creative way to save the popular venue — he just needs a bit of help from some big-name friends.

WITH the heart and soul of Adelaide comedy, The Rhino Room, up for sale and facing closure, funny man Justin Hamilton has come up with a creative way to save the popular venue — he just needs a bit of help from some big-name friends.

“We should buy it. I’ll give Rove (McManus) and Wil (Anderson) a call, those guys know how to make a bit of coin. I’ll call Hughesy (Dave Hughes), he’s got a bit of coin ... we’ll all invest, that would be amazing. Sometimes you say things as a joke and then you go, ‘Wait a minute ...’” says Justin, a little tongue in cheek.

Back in his old hometown to celebrate 15 years of Adelaide Comedy, Justin says the site — which also includes the adjoining Howling Owl and Urban Cow Studio — has played such a big role in Adelaide’s history it should be considered for heritage-listing.

“It has been important for the city in so many different ways, not just comedy. There was a lot of hip-hop that started there, the Hilltop Hoods performed there early on,” he says.

“Entertainment, art and creativity is important to a city, it’s what draws people in and inspires people.”

Justin was one of the comedians behind the rise of Adelaide Comedy in 2000, and he says there are some incredible memories from the last 15 years.

“There was one night at Rhino we had Jimeoin, Bob Franklin, Wil Anderson, Frank Woodley, Lehmo, Arj Barker and Rove all on the same bill. The audience paid $20 for a $200 showcase, it was amazing,” he says.

Justin is hosting Rhino Room tomorrow night and Saturday night. For more info, check out

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