
Adelaide Fringe review 2017: The Bedroom Philosopher — Cat Show

THIS show is a man pretending to be a cat playing songs about cats and not the Broadway kind.

The Bedroom Philosopher — Cat Show

Comedy *

Warehouse, The Producers, until March 7

Reviewer disclaimer: I am a dog lover. And there’s no prejudice against cats.

THIS show is a man pretending to be a cat playing songs about cats and not the Broadway kind.

The audience is introduced to a beloved furry from Japan and many lost cats of Melbourne.

We gleaned an insight into a Year 3 student’s obsession with the history of cats.

The comic variety and musical talent are not to be dismissed. With each strum of the guitar and feline sounds, Mr Pussy delivers one-liners downpat.

Creativity and dedication are 100 per cent but seriously, for all jokes’ sakes, it’s just not funny.

Josephine Lim

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