
Adelaide Fringe 2020 review: Aidan Jones – Taco

Close your eyes and picture a half-Aussie, half-Colombian bloke screaming at the top of his lungs about how much he hates Kalgoorlie. This is peak Fringe and well worth seeing.

Adelaide Fringe 2020 – Aidan Jones, Taco.
Adelaide Fringe 2020 – Aidan Jones, Taco.

Aidan Jones – Taco

Comedy / Stand Up / VIC

Rating: ***1/2

Parasol Lounge, Gluttony

Until March 14

‘Multicultural Australia’ is a term bandied about by so many people, so often, that it’s often easy to forget what it truly means.

Go see Aidan Jones’ Taco, however, and you’re quickly reminded that what it means is embodied on stage by a half-Aussie, half-Colombian bloke screaming at the top of his lungs about how much he hates Kalgoorlie.

In other words, it’s beautiful.

This show is unapologetically full on, and Jones’ interesting past, being born to a backpacker on a tour of South America, leads to some compelling material for jokes.

Jones also has a great understanding of the blokey Australian father-son dynamic that makes for some roaring laughter from the men in attendance.

Taco is a well thought out, almost biographical account of Jones’ experiences, and is both intriguing and hilarious on many levels.

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