
Former AFL captain Jack Trengove is delivering stellar returns in a fund dedicated to elite athletes

Jack Trengove’s fund, dedicated to securing the financial futures of elite athletes, would be in the running for a rising star award based on its first year’s performance.

Jack Trengove is now an equities analyst at Lanyon Asset Management. Picture: Keryn Stevens
Jack Trengove is now an equities analyst at Lanyon Asset Management. Picture: Keryn Stevens

Former AFL captain Jack Trengove is providing leadership for elite athletes in his post-footy career, delivering exceptional returns from a fund dedicated to securing the financial future for sports people.

Trengove, who is an equities analyst with Lanyon Asset Management, which operates from offices in Adelaide and Sydney, generated a 43.3 per cent return in the first year of his Lanyon Elite Athlete Fund.

The fund is targeted at elite athletes, who, Trengove says, find themselves in the unusual situation of often generating large amounts of earnings early in life - flipping the usual order of things.

This increases the importance of good financial management from an early age, and Trengove says he’s passionate about getting out and talking to young athletes about managing their money.

“On the back of my own experiences going through the AFL system, I have an appreciation of what different athletes go through,’’ he said. “A substantial amount of the time athletes will get paid a large part of their career wealth from the ages of 18 to 30.

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“On the back of that, and seeing a lot of examples through my own career, I wanted to combine my two passions, which are finance and the equities market, and also elite sports.’’

Trengove said the size of the fund was small in relation to the company’s other funds, but there had been a lot of interest, particularly as the first year’s results had become apparent. Trengove studied commerce while playing footy, where he was the number two pick in the 2009 draft and went on to become the youngest captain in AFL history as co-captain with Jack Grimes at the Melbourne Football Club.


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Trengove said he was passionate about helping athletes prepare for the financial security after their sporting careers, after seeing some of his peers having little to show for their time in the system despite relatively successful careers.

“My background in the AFL world is quite strong so I have some networks there, but I’ve also been able to go and meet people within Cricket Australia, Rugby League, the A-League, basketball, Olympic athletes and so on and it’s been great.’’

Trengove said Lanyon had four funds in total which shared the same investment philosophy.

“We’re a very conservative, deep value team who do a lot of reading and understanding the different industries and sectors the different companies are in,’’ he said.

Trengove said Lanyon’s strategy bore up well through recent market volatility.

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