
Federal Budget

Budget 2016
Natrice Grosvenor with 6-year-old Harrison and 4-year-old Flynn commenting on childcare in the Federal Budget. Pics Tara Croser.

Why working parents lose out again

WORKING parents face paying more out-of-pocket child care fees after a much-spruiked “fairer’’ subsidy was put on ice, but there could be a silver lining in the form of an election pledge.

Our staggering daily defence bill

Our staggering daily defence bill

TAXPAYERS are forking out $87 million every day for the upkeep of our defence forces — and analysts are warning the figure will blow out even further within six years.

Portrait of an attractive young woman and her baby boy lying on the sofa

Parental leave cuts may backfire

THE Federal Government could end up spending more on childcare subsidies for new mums than if it had allowed them to stay home for an extra 18 weeks on maternity leave.

Tony’s Tradies set for new wheels

Tony’s Tradies set for new wheels

THE cost of some cars will almost halve for eligible businesses and sole traders following the recent Federal Budget. Here are the vehicles they’ll be looking at.

withered dead tree in desert landscape background

Hidden Budget nasties you missed

WITH so many sweeping changes announced in the Budget, it’s easy to lose track. Here are the hidden nasties (and surprise sweeteners) that you may have missed.

How Labor would spend our money

How Labor would spend our money

BILL Shorten tonight launched Labor’s plan to harness technological innovation through specialist training to create the jobs of the coming two decades.

Shorten backs small business plan

Shorten backs small business plan

BILL Shorten has vowed to support the Government’s $5.5 billion small business package, but will block a bid to end paid parental leave double-dipping.

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