
Central Victoria: Commission to be disbanded after “vision” for region wasn’t shared league

Central Victoria is the latest region to abandon the commission model to oversee country football in the area. See the reaction.

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AFL Central Victoria Commission is being disbanded with outgoing chairman Nicholas Rolfe conceding its “vision” for the region failed to be embraced by leagues under its watch.

Central Victoria will follow the path of Gippsland, Goldfields, Western District, Wimmera- Mallee regions in moving to a council model that doesn’t have the financial and staffing responsibilities that commissions had when they were created more than a decade ago.

They will be assumed by AFL Victoria, leaving the council of yet to be confirmed members, to “adopt a bottom-up philosophy” to decision-making in the region.

AFL Central Victoria Commission chairman Nicholas Rolfe.
AFL Central Victoria Commission chairman Nicholas Rolfe.

Mr Rolfe said a disconnect had developed with leagues, most notably Bendigo, with its chairwoman Carol McKinstry recently admitting it had been “frozen out” by the commission on big decisions.

“The commission’s vision for local football wasn’t necessarily shared by the leagues,” Mr Rolfe said.

“I felt there was a need for divisional football in Bendigo, which wasn’t being embraced at any level at all.

“In the time of the VCFL, change came from the top down and that is no longer a relevant concept.

“Change has to come from the bottom up.”

Kyneton has made the switch to the Riddell District league from Bendigo this season. Picture: Yuri Kouzmin
Kyneton has made the switch to the Riddell District league from Bendigo this season. Picture: Yuri Kouzmin

Bendigo felt blindsided by ultimately failed moves last year to create a new league that included Kyneton, Castlemaine, Maryborough, Maiden Gully-YCW and Marong.

Kyneton has quit the Bendigo league to join the Riddell District league and the commission has blocked two bids by Maiden Gully-YCW to field under-18 teams in the BFNL.

Ms McKinstry said: “We are looking forward to better engagement with both the council and AFL Victoria, more transparency and strategic vision for clubs and leagues in the region”.

AFL Victoria will oversee all staffing at the AFLCV regional administration centre and service agreements with leagues to administer them.

The appointment of a regional manager to replace Craig Armstead and members of the AFLCV council will be an “initial focus” of AFL Victoria with major structural changes unlikely to happen in 2025.

Mr Rolfe said the regional administration centre concept “hadn’t outlived its usefulness, but the commission probably has”.

Bendigo Football-Netball League chairwoman Carol McKinstry.
Bendigo Football-Netball League chairwoman Carol McKinstry.

“If you take away the salary cap and the points and a few appeals we haven’t got much to do any more,” he said.

“The AFL is the pre-eminent organisation and they will tell you football in general is growing.

“There has to be a responsible body and in Victoria that is the AFL.

“It’s as simple as that.’

“But local decisions will still be made locally.”

The AFLCV Commission was down to four members, Mr Rolfe, Brett Fitzpatrick, Gavin Hore and Judy Bourke.

Mr Armstead quit as AFLCV regional manager last September and Bendigo league general manager Cameron Tomlins acted in the role in the off-season.

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