
Wandattah Ag sell NSW cropping farms, Nunkeri and Loch Lomond

A partnership of three Victorian families have sold their 5000ha cropping farms in a multimillion-dollar deal with a local family.

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A partnership of three Victorian farming families have offloaded their 5015ha northern NSW cropping aggregation after a short-lived tenure.

Wandattah Ag, a partnership between two farming families from Victoria’s Western District and one in the state’s north, listed the two-farm aggregation for sale earlier this year.

Comprising the 3325.77ha Nunkeri and 1689.19ha Loch Lomond, 58km south of Walgett, it is understood a neighbouring farming family has purchased the aggregation as a whole.

At the time of advertisement, recent dryland cropping farmland sales in the Walgett district had seen properties fetch about $5000 a hectare or more.

Loch Lomond is about 97 per cent arable while Nunkeri is considered about 94 per cent arable, with both capable of summer and winter cropping.
Loch Lomond is about 97 per cent arable while Nunkeri is considered about 94 per cent arable, with both capable of summer and winter cropping.

Details of the recent sale remain subject to confidentiality, but it is understood the aggregation was sold for a figure in the vicinity of the expected price range.

There was predominantly local interest in the aggregation with about half a dozen of inspections.

Wandattah Ag partner Will Cooper earlier this year said the family syndicate decided to purchase the aggregation because of its value compared to cropping land in Victoria and southern NSW.

The Wandattah Ag partnership purchased the properties from Alec Wheeler in 2020.

The three farming families have mutually agreed to dissolve the Wandattah Ag partnership, with one of the families to continue some farming in the northern NSW region.

Loch Lomond and Nunkeri is suitable for winter cereals, sorghum, chickpeas and canola.
Loch Lomond and Nunkeri is suitable for winter cereals, sorghum, chickpeas and canola.

Moree Real Estate selling agents Terry Adams and Paul Kelly handled the sale and did not discuss details of the sale.

However, Mr Adams said northern NSW crops were delicately poised as much needed winter rain has been absent.

“Everyone has their fingers crossed for some rain,” he said.

“This season has been quite teasing because there is such a nice profile after a wet year last year.

“We just need that rain so it can join with the surface, it’s so close.”

Earlier this year Macquarie Agriculture’s Paraway Pastoral Company listed the Borambil Station, Pier Pier Station and Burmah Station for sale located across the NSW central west and north western regions.

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