
Bureau of Meteorology releases seasonal climate outlook

WINTER will be warmer and drier than normal in eastern Australia but cooler and wetter in southern WA.

FROST near Lancefield. Ice. Frost. Landscapes. White. Wire. Barbed wire. Rural. Fencing.
FROST near Lancefield. Ice. Frost. Landscapes. White. Wire. Barbed wire. Rural. Fencing.

WINTER will be warmer and drier than normal in eastern Australia but cooler and wetter in southern WA.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s seasonal climate outlook, released in Melbourne today, says warm oceans on both sides of the continent are fuelling a two-sided climate in Australia between June and August.

“Both the Pacific and Indian oceans are influencing this outlook,” it says.

“The El Nino in the Pacific (which models indicate will strengthen) is having a drying impact on eastern Australia, while continued warmth in the Indian Ocean, coupled with the El Nino in the Pacific, is tending to enhance rainfall in southern WA.”

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