Water register fails again
Goulburn Valley water could not be traded into the Murray after Victoria’s water register has collapsed, leaving irrigators and brokers frustrated.
Goulburn Valley water could not be traded into the Murray after Victoria’s water register has collapsed, leaving irrigators and brokers frustrated.
Low winter rainfall combined with environmental flows and irrigator demand are draining dam storages at an alarming rate.
Irrigators must lodge expressions of interest to sell water to the Commonwealth by next month, or they will be locked out of next year’s tenders.
Water Minister Tanya Plibersek is rushing to declare the Lower Murray a “critically endangered” ecosystem, before the federal election.
The Albanese Government has used images of rivers in tropical Queensland and coastal NSW to promote its Murray Darling Basin plan efforts.
A NSW Government appointed expert panel wants to impose hefty restrictions on northern Basin irrigators’ floodplain harvesting.
Funding for Murray Darling Basin native fish recovery has dried up, as federal and state governments bicker over cost sharing.
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has abandoned withholding funding to strongarm Victoria into backing buying 450GL of irrigator’s water.
As the Murray Darling Basin Plan goes ahead, there are concerns the government is not focused on the “collateral damage” of the buybacks.
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder has diverted water destined for the Darling River onto a man-made floodplain.
The South Australian Government has been accused of inflating the cost of a Coorong project, which could help offset buying more irrigators’ water.
ABARES says the CEWH could sell up to 25 per cent of its annual allocations each year without “significant market impacts”.
The federal government has not provided details about where it sourced images of dead fish and trees in its Murray Darling advertising campaign.
Cobram Estate boss Rob McGavin has offered a solution for how Murray-Darling Basin water policy should be managed. See the latest.
Original URL: https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/water/page/5