Prominent Riverina grower fined $56,000 for over-pumping
A prominent Riverina cotton and cereal grower has been fined for over-pumping water worth $253,460.
A prominent Riverina cotton and cereal grower has been fined for over-pumping water worth $253,460.
Victoria’s four largest floodplain restoration projects, delivering 58GL in water efficiencies, have been halted, risking a major federal water buyout.
While the Federal Government is buying irrigators’ water, Victoria’s Environmental Water Holder is selling it back to them.
The Murray Darling Basin Authority is spending up big on consultants and contractors, paying pwc alone $27 million.
Queensland irrigators’ water use goes unmeasured, while those in South Australia go unpunished for “overusing” the Murray Darling Basin’s flows.
Three Murray Darling Basin researchers have released another study – but this one is questioning a group of rival water experts.
A chronically ill Irymple farmer threatened to shoot a water compliance officer in the face, a court has heard.
Disallowance of new water regulations has backfired, leaving northern irrigators to carry on floodplain harvesting.
Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt is being accused of demanding NSW and Victoria deliver on impossible deadlines to quench South Australia’s thirst.
The South Australian water sweeteners must stop, writes ANDREW LEAHY
Water has flowed into Lake Menindee for the first time since 2018, with video footage showing locals and wildlife enjoying the flows. But what does it mean for the Lower Darling River?
As NSW prepares to fill Lake Menindee for the first time since 2018, how much will be left to flow down the Lower Darling?
The 2289 Australian farmers who missed out on the first-round allocation of federal rebates to secure their water supplies will not be left out of pocket.
Big players appear conspicuous by their absence in the debate about camping on licensed water frontages, write beef producers Harry and Sue Ryder.
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