How recent rain has changed storage levels
Widespread rain across the states of Victoria and NSW have been a mixed blessing for farmers, but what has it meant for storages?
Widespread rain across the states of Victoria and NSW have been a mixed blessing for farmers, but what has it meant for storages?
A four-year study of the Murray Darling Basin found the basin plan failed the environment, despite slashing irrigators’ water use.
An investigation has been launched into the accumulation of “forever” chemicals in soils and food crops irrigated with recycled water.
Rural and urban residents are battling to pay soaring water bills with water corporations now bleeding money, as funds dry up.
Low winter rainfall combined with environmental flows and irrigator demand are draining dam storages at an alarming rate.
Irrigators must lodge expressions of interest to sell water to the Commonwealth by next month, or they will be locked out of next year’s tenders.
Water Minister Tanya Plibersek is rushing to declare the Lower Murray a “critically endangered” ecosystem, before the federal election.
Serious concerns have been raised regarding DCCEEW’s dual function as a major water buyer and water policy setter with the ability to manipulate prices.
Corporate water holder Duxton Water Limited has announced its highest ever half-year net profit, as the federal government continues its water recovery efforts.
The federal and Victorian Labor Governments are forging ahead with plans to recognise all waterways as “living entities”.
The Albanese Government paid a record $17,290/ML for cap-equivalent water, as irrigators hold back, knowing prices will rise.
Wentworth Group scientists have called for an additional 726GL of water to be added to the Murray Darling Basin target, in addition to the Albanese Government’s 450GL promise.
Embattled businessman Sam Mitchell and his partners have sold $21.75 million worth of water from their US-based investment fund. Read all the details.
Irrigators and dry landholders have been left with 5000 delivery shares they don’t want that will cost $140 million to terminate.
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