‘We play’: Cororooke retirees build farm art in their front paddock
Darrel and Raelene Cook say a holiday to Western Australia has inspired them to transform their front paddock for passers-by.
A retired couple’s interstate trip has sparked inspiration to keep southwest Victorian travellers amused during the holidays.
Darrel and Raelene Cook from Cororooke have built a display with old wares in their front paddock after travelling to Western Australia.
Mr Cook said they spotted a peculiar display near Boyup Brook, WA.
“We were driving past a place with a heap of trucks in a garden, and I thought I had an open space in my paddock and decided I’d do it,” he said.
He said they started the display in October with a truck and three tractors, with only a windmill and extra mulch left to add.
“We’ve got a hay rake, built a little house, a dunny beside it, and a couple of homemade sheep and stockman, and a cow and calf,” Mr Cook said.
“We bought the sheep from Inverleigh from a place that makes tin art, and Raelene my wife made the two blokes having a cup of tea.”
For December, they decorated the display with Christmas-themed hats and ideas to amuse passers-by.
“We had people asking questions, a bloke doing rubbish collections pulled up to chat. We had people take photos,” Mr Cook said.
Mr Cook first worked on a dairy before he was a long-term log truck driver, while Raelene worked in aged care.
They have been married for 36 years, and said the display and gardening helped “pass the time” in retirement.
“We’re just a happy little five acre farm that we play with,” Mr Cook said.