

Lawyer replaces CFA CEO Warrington: chaos reigns

The CFA board is scrambling to replace Steve Warrington, who acted as its chief and CEO, who resigned rather than sign a secondment agreement with the new union-controlled Fire Rescue Victoria service.

Replaced: Steve Warrington has been replaced as CFA CEO by a lawyer. Picture: Alison Wynd
Replaced: Steve Warrington has been replaced as CFA CEO by a lawyer. Picture: Alison Wynd

THE CFA board has replaced 45-year veteran firefighter and chief executive Steve Warrington with lawyer Catherine Greaves.

Mr Warrington resigned last week after refusing to sign off on the Andrews Government’s deal to strip the volunteer-service of 171 support staff and open the door to union control.

Ms Greaves has spent most of her career as Wellington Shire’s organisational development manager.

After nine years at the shire, she looked after Latrobe Hospital’s corporate services for three years, before moving into the role of Emergency Management Victoria director of corporate services in 2014, with a brief stint within the Department of Justice before returning to EMV as its workforce planning director 12 months ago.

The CFA board reported today Ms Greaves had been appointed acting CEO for a period of three months, commencing today.

“The CFA Board is working to implement Victorian Government policy in relation to fire services reform and, as always, the board continues to work to deliver the best outcomes for CFA,” said the CFA board in an internal memo.

“The executive team, including deputy chief officers, are managing the transition at the present time and I am grateful for their efforts to ensure that all our operational functions are covered.”

“We expect to make an announcement about the arrangements relating to the acting chief officer next week.”

Emergency Volunteers Awareness Campaign director Garth Head said the CFA board and Mr Warrington had been under pressure in recent days, from Emergency Services Minister Lisa Neville, to sign off on documents that hand 171 support staff to the new union-controlled Fire Rescue Victoria service.

“They (the board) resisted and tried to negotiate (but) caved in Tuesday night and directed Warrington to sign,” Mr Head said.

“He refused and was hospitalised Wednesday after a lot of pressure. At 4pm (Thursday) he concluded enough and resigned.”

A CFA commander told The Weekly Times Mr Warrington along with others had “fought tooth and nail” to prevent FRV taking even more support staff from the volunteer service.

“FRV wanted everyone,” the commander said.

“They were even after BASOs (brigade administrative support officers) who help (volunteer) brigades with paper work and getting training.

“People have been ordered by government not to speak.

“It’s (Warrington’s resignation) has blindsided everyone.

“He has threatened to resign twice in the past year, saying if anyone loses their job (in the carve-up) he’d resign.”

That promise seems to have come to fruition with the CFA not only losing 171 support staff for its 1219 brigades to FRV on July 1, but others on contracts told they would not be renewed.

The Weekly Times on Wednesday reported the carve up had triggered a wave of anger and frustration among Victoria’s 54,000 volunteers, over what’s seen as a deliberate government strategy of hiding the impacts of the carve-up on the CFA.

The CFA’s battle with FRV to retain support staff has dragged on for months, as evidenced by the fact that as of Monday this week many of the 171 staff being sent to FRV had not been selected, while others were unsure where they were going.

Disgruntled CFA officers say their support staff are in shock, with many in tears, not knowing where they are going.

Meanwhile, volunteers say a raft of other work on the transition has not been completed, which is vital to the CFA and FRV working together on the fire ground.

Volunteers say:

THE CFA chief will be forced to second all 229 assistant chiefs and commanders from FRV, but only after they are vetted by the UFU;

ALL seconded assistant chiefs and commanders will be subject to an enterprise agreement that forces the CFA to gain UFU approval on any changes to their shifts and roles in training and supporting volunteers;

FRV-seconded staff will wear FRV uniforms. The UFU has already sent out order forms for (FRV) uniforms to all its members, including those who will be seconded to the CFA;

CFA stations transferred to FRV on Melbourne’s outer fringe will move to the metropolitan radio network, hampering communication with outlying volunteer brigades;

DETAILS on how volunteer brigades and FRV work together on the fire ground have not been sorted. Volunteers have received conflicting messages on whether they can direct union career staff who respond to fires in the CFA zone and what incidents they can assist with in FRV zones.

Mr Warrington joins a long list of CFA leaders who have fallen victim to the Andrews Government’s push to grant the United Firefighters Union more territory, members, support staff and control.

In 2016 the then CFA chief, board and Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett resigned rather than meet Premier Daniel Andrews’ demands that they sign off on an enterprise agreement, which granted the UFU the power of veto over many of the chief officers decisions – ranging from staffing levels and location, to recruitment, resourcing and training.

Mr Head called for an independent inquiry into Minister Neville’s role in Mr Warrington’s resignation.

“It is more of the same inappropriate political and industrial interference in our fire services that puts community safety at risk,” Mr Head said.

“The kick-off of FRV and its damaging effects on CFA and community safety must be suspended pending an independent, expert and transparent inquiry. This matter is too bloody important to do otherwise.”

Ms Neville said that “while I’m incredibly sad to see Steve leave the CFA, I respect his decision to take time for himself and his family”.

Mr Warrington served in the CFA for 42 years starting his career with the Chelsea Fire Brigade in 1978 as a volunteer.

He completed the CFA recruit course in 1983 and then served 14 years as both a staff member and volunteer with his final volunteer years spent at Langwarrin.

He was appointed to the dual position of CFA chief executive officer and chief officer on May 31 last year.

He was previously appointed Chief Officer on June 30, 2016.





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