

Giffard West farmers set up for winter after more than 100mm of rain

Heavy rainfall has been well-received by farmers in Gippsland’s Giffard East, with one farmer saying it’s the best autumn break in 10 years.

Farmers Steve and Lisa Harrison recorded 110mm of rain at their Giffard West property last Tuesday.
Farmers Steve and Lisa Harrison recorded 110mm of rain at their Giffard West property last Tuesday.

FARMERS in Gippsland’s parched Giffard West have received one of the best autumn breaks in a decade after solid rain last week.

After a dry spell, farmers last week welcomed up to 140mm of rain in parts, setting them up well ahead of winter.

Giffard West mixed farmer Trent Anderson said he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face after last week receiving between 88.5 to 138mm across his three properties at Giffard West.

It sets up the farmer for the best autumn break in 10 years.

“It’s the timing that’s the big one,” he said.

“Its absolute perfect autumn break timing. This will guarantee a good autumn break.”

Last week, he received between 88.5 to 138mm across his three properties which are situated within a 10km triangle.

The totals were well above the monthly long-term average which he said was about 40-50mm.

“It was the sheer volume. It’s the most rainfall in a month since December 2017,” he said.

“We put in 1000 acres of summer crop which was doing nothing before this, now it’s going berserk.

“We’ve put stock on that now and we will get 6-8 weeks out of that.”

Sheep graze in the summer crop that was given a boost by the recent rain.
Sheep graze in the summer crop that was given a boost by the recent rain.
In 2018, Giffard West farmer, Trent Anderson had been in drought for two years with the lack of rain is now starting to take its toll on their country. Picture: Andy RogersPictures
In 2018, Giffard West farmer, Trent Anderson had been in drought for two years with the lack of rain is now starting to take its toll on their country. Picture: Andy RogersPictures

Also at Giffard West, farmer Steve Harrison recorded 110mm last Tuesday, and 135mm across the week to Friday.

“It was the biggest one day event in 17 years,” he said.

“The last five years has been pretty tough and we’ve been through another dry period.

“The dams were pretty low, and we were looking at sending some stock to agistment.”

Steve and Lisa Harrison recorded 110mm of rain at their Giffard West property last Tuesday.
Steve and Lisa Harrison recorded 110mm of rain at their Giffard West property last Tuesday.

In other parts of Gippsland, Orbost recorded its wettest March day with 36mm of rain last Wednesday, Mallacoota had 107mm, 194mm fell at Balook, while Yarram recorded its wettest day on record after being soaked with 138mm.

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