
Duck hunting: Animal activists fined after dobbing in shooters near Boort

Activists who dobbed in duck hunters for shooting too many birds have ended up with fines themselves, while the hunters were found innocent. Here’s how the spectacular story unfolded.

No decoy: Animal justice Party MP Andy Meddick wants the government to pull the Game Management Authority “into line”. Picture: Peter Ristevski
No decoy: Animal justice Party MP Andy Meddick wants the government to pull the Game Management Authority “into line”. Picture: Peter Ristevski

Two animal activists’ attempt to dob in duck hunters for shooting too many birds has gone belly up, after they failed to understand that not everything that looks like a duck quacks like one.

The activists were patrolling the Yando Wildlife game reserve, near Boort, on the opening day of the duck season in May, when they spotted hunters dragging what looked like 50 ducks off the water to stow in a small punt.

The activists contacted police and Victoria’s Game Management Authority demanding they take action, given hunters are restricted to taking five birds a day.

But when the GMA officer arrived and checked the hunters’ take they found 50-odd decoy ducks.

“The GMA Authorised Officers spoke with the two hunters at the site and confirmed that they had their lawful bag limit of game birds and a significant number of decoys,” a GMA spokesman said.

“Upon further investigation, it was found that the report from the public related to duck decoys being used by hunters, not actual ducks. Hunters are permitted to use duck decoys when hunting under the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2012.”

The Weekly Times understands a very unamused GMA inspector then discovered the activists were carrying real dead ducks, so issued them with infringement notices for being in possession of birds without a licence.

However, Animal Justice Party Upper House MP Andy Meddick demanded in parliament on June 23 that Agriculture Minister Mary-Anne Thomas pull the GMA into line and the activists’ fines be revoked.

“The complete and utter incompetence of this government’s Game Management Authority was on display again during this year’s duck-shooting season,” Mr Meddick said.

“On the last weekend of the season (the GMA says it was the first day of the season) two rescuers observed shooters killing over their bag limit and then discarding the carcasses.

“They reported this illegal behaviour to the GMA and collected the birds to give to them as evidence.

“When the officers of the GMA arrived, the shooters were not charged — troubling enough, you might say.

“Instead they interrogated the rescuers, who were not breaking any laws by being there, yet both rescuers received hefty fines for being in possession of the illegally shot birds.

“Criminals freed; informants prosecuted — corrupt, incompetent, disgraceful. Minister, will you personally pull the GMA into line and ensure these fines are revoked?”

Asked this week about what happened Mr Meddick said: “I stand by the version of events as I spoke in Parliament”.



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