
David Littleproud: EPA move to classify manure as industrial waste is ‘madness’

Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud has weighed in on the Victorian debate of classifying farm manure as industrial waste.

A load of bull: Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud has weighed into the Victorian debate on classifying manure as industrial waste.
A load of bull: Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud has weighed into the Victorian debate on classifying manure as industrial waste.

THE decision of Victoria’s Environmental Protection Authority to classify farm manure as industrial wastehas been branded as an act of “madness” by Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud.

“This will tie farmers up in unnecessary green tape and has the potential to add to the costs of production of food and fibre that will be passed on to the consumer at the checkout,” Mr Littleproud said.

“To classify farm animal manure as industrial waste is madness. What it is (manure), is a useful tool to add value to the agricultural sector, what it does is help our farmers reach the goal of making agriculture a $100 billion industry.

“The Victorian Government should leave the green tape in the bottom drawer, leave the bureaucrats in Spring Street and leave the farmers to manage their land.”

The EPA has ignored farmers repeated calls not to define animal manure as industrial waste and to ease the regulatory burden on farmers.

But the Andrews Government last week confirmed the EPA was:

PUSHING ahead with controversial measures that define manure as industrial waste, restricting how farmers store, transport and use it.

CALLING for a ban on sheep and cattle grazing paddocks on which animal manure has been spread, instead of adopting the widely accepted industry practice of simply withholding stock for three weeks.

DEMANDING anyone depositing, transporting or receiving more than 20 cubic metres of solid manure on their property each month must prepare a Declaration of Use document, with those failing to do so risking a fine.

The measures are among a raft of sweeping reforms to Victoria’s environmental protection laws that come into effect on July 1.

Mr Littleproud said the reforms made no sense, given farmers had been recycling animal manure to improve the health of their soil for thousands of years.

“Now with this move, the Victorian Government could cost farmers hundreds of thousands of dollars if they fertilise their paddocks,” he said.

“Anyone with a veggie garden knows that a bag of chook manure is about the best fertiliser you can get to grow fresh and healthy food.

“That same approach is taken by our farmers when they produce the food that ends up in grocery stores and on our plates.

“Utilising farm animal manure properly puts carbon into the soil, reduces soil erosion, reduces nitrate leaching and helps farmer become more productive.”



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