CFA volunteers face compulsory health and skills tests
CFA volunteers are warning of an exodus of ageing but valuable firefighters in the wake of a move to regular and compulsory “fit-for-duty” practical and medical tests.
CFA volunteers are warning of an exodus of ageing but valuable firefighters in the wake of a move to regular and compulsory “fit-for-duty” practical and medical tests.
“Fifteen to 20 per cent of volunteers won’t do it,” volunteer Merino Group Officer Wayne Munro said. “You’re going to disenfranchise loyal members who have been major contributors.
“My biggest fear is we lose our second tier of volunteers, the ones who may not be the first to respond, but are there to help on a night shift or bring out a quick fill.”
CFA documents outlining the scheme state refusal to undertake the test or failure will result in volunteers being taken off operational duties.
“If the process of the Medical Declaration Form and Health Checks result in a doctor’s advice for members to become non-operational due to medical risks, then this will need to be enforced to protect the safety of members,” the CFA Fit for Duty fact sheet stated.
“CFA will support members the best that they can to either become operational again, or to find alternative roles within their brigades.”
CFA chief officer Steve Warrington said volunteers performed physically and mentally exhaustive work: “jumping in and out of large trucks, hauling heavy hoses and fighting fires, all while breathing in smoke-filled air in extreme temperatures.
“It’s vital that we put their health, wellbeing and safety at the forefront of everything we do to support them,” Mr Warrington said. “It’s our job to ensure they are safe on the fire ground and go home in good shape.”
A fit-for duty pilot has been rolled out in South West Victoria, with 430 operational volunteers from class 4 and 5 brigades undertaking different components of the program.
Volunteers must undergo a full medical check to ensure they are fit for duty, based on blood pressure, weight, heart and overall health, as well as pass a tanker-based practical test designed by Deakin University (CHECK), which includes:
DRAGGING and manoeuvring a 30-metre charged hose in an ‘M’ shape for a total distance of 64 metres within 65 seconds.
USING a spindle to wind two lengths of 30-metre hose with one arm within 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
USING a rake hoe to move 360 litres of mulch from one box to another within 2 minutes and 30 seconds. (At least 1.8 boxes moved within that time)
It also appears the CFA is working towards different skills and fitness testing for different duties, such as using breathing apparatus and road rescue.
However, little attention has been paid to regular fitness testing of career staff in fire and other emergency services.
In 2016 Victoria’s Inspector General of Emergency Management conducted a review into fit-for-duty policies and practices across the emergency services, which was handed to government early last year and never released.
The Weekly Times understands the report highlights that while recruits to most emergency services must meet relatively high levels of fitness, once employed they face no regular compulsory testing.
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria has not yet sat down with the CFA to review the fit-for-duty pilot.
But a VFBV spokesman said any regular fit-for duty testing had to be applied to both volunteer and career staff as well as being non-discriminatory against particular body types or gender.
“Previous approaches across the sector have often resulted in tests that are gender imbalanced and discriminate against women and smaller body sizes,” the spokesman said.